Chapter - 15

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This was uneasy.

Definetly uneasy.

I felt more stare from Tyran as I sighed. He was still holding my arms and was staring at me.

I sighed. "Dude man! What is this? A staring contest?" I asked.

Tyran rolled his eyes and let go of my arms. "This is not a joke, Jasmin." he said.

"Joke?" I asked. "You seriously think that what I told you was a joke?"

Boy, that hurts my feelings.

"Yeah," he said as he went near his bed and sat in it. "Like from which point you think I would believe you? Just the fact that your hair and eyes are same as her, doesn't meant that you are her. Stop playing with my feelings, Jasmin."

"I am not," I mumbled.

The one who was playing with my feeling was my fate! I never expected to meet the same childhood friend from 21 years ago! Heck, I didn't even expected Tyran to hold onto my memories and fall in love with me 21 years ago.

"The girl that I know from 21 years ago, she would have cried by now and would have hugged me by now. She would have fall down with the wounded foot of yours but you managed to walk with it without showing any emotions of pain. You might have same eyes and hair and even name as her, but your personality is definetly different from the girl who I love from 21 years ago," Tyran said, not looking at me.

I looked at my feet.

So, that's how weak I was, huh?

21 years ago . . .

I remembered my childhood memories and sighed.

How did Tyran expected me to behave and be the same girl from middle school?

I was changed. So was he.

We could not hold the string of time to be the same person who we once were in our childhood.

Not after what happened with me in high school atleast.

Everything changed there. The reason why I don't show emotions now or the reason why I don't cry at a little things or be clumpy and happy . . . it was all because of the painful moments of my life that I spend my highschool on.

"Say," Tyran said as he got off from his bed and made his way towards me. "Why did you told me the lie?"

"What lie?" I asked as I felt trap between his arms which were pinning me on the wall.

"Why did you want me to believe that you are the same girl as my childhood?" he asked. His blue eyes were filled with coldness and harshness.

"Because, I am," I said, looking at his eyes. "I am the same girl, Tyran," I paused and then took a deep breath and said,"Ty."

His eyes wided as I used the same nikename that I used to call him when I was a kid.

"Does that ring a bell in you, Ty?"I asked softly as he seamed to come closer to me. "I am not a lier, Ty," I said looking st my feet. "I might have lied to you about a . . . lot of things . . . but it is for a valid reason. However, I didn't want to hid this truth from you. Call me a lier, if you want to but . . ."

Tyan's body was so close to me, pressing me on the wall. His eyes were not cold anymore, rather it was demanding. It was like he wanted to know if I was telling the truth.

"What else do you need to prove this, Ty? Your favourite colour is turquoise. Your favourite desert is caramel cake. Your favourite chocolate is Twix. Your favourite hobby is swiming and . . ." My breath caught a hold when I felt Tyran's face leaning closer to me.

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