💍⚡Chapter - 30⚡💍

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Ty looked at me in shock. "What did you say again?"

"I am your student, Ty," I said softly.

Tyran narrowed his eyes. "Don't try to be sarcastic now, Jess."

"I am not, Ty. I am Naila," I answered. "I had to disguise myself into a student in order to investigate in the school."

Ty sighed. " The rain is still dripping so you might be sick and that is why you are saying this."

"No, Ty. I am telling the truth-"

"Jess, let's go home," he sighed.

I shook my head. Ty won't believe me. Not until I showed him.

I caughed and bolded my voice as Ty looked at me.

"Hello Mr. Isfaq!" I said in Naila's voice, making Ty looking at me in shock.

"Um . . ." He scratched the back of his head as he looked confused.

"I am totally not sorry for ditching your detention today," I said using Naila's voice again. "I hope you don't mind, sir," I stuck my toungue out at him like the first day we had arguments in school.

Ty gasped in shock. "Oh my gosh! This . . ."

I smirked. "So sir, now do you believe me?" I asked using my original voice this time, knowing how shock he was.

Ty heaved a sigh. "So, this is why you had the guts to pick a fight with me!"


"No other students have ever talked to me or behaved around me like that. You are so ungreatful and rude to me," he chuckled. "I should have understand that only person had that much guts to pick a fight with me and that's my . . . dear," he leaned near me and put his arms around my neck, "naughty," he smiled, kissing the tip on my nose, making my heart flattered a bit, "wifey."

I giggled and noticed him smiling at me. I sneezed as I noticed how wet we were in the rain. "A-choo!"

Ty looked around and noticed the rain slowly fading away. He checked his watch and sighed.

"Fajr prayer is in 2 hours. Let's head home," he said.

I nodded. "We are going to the field trip today at 7:00 am too."

"Oh yes," Ty smiled. "I will have to deal with that ungreatful behaviour of yours again, Naila."

"And I have to deal with your stupid teacher attitude, sir! You are so rude when you are in your teacher form," I snorted.

"Uh-huh? But that's because you always try to get my nerves. Like you literally suck at biology," he sighed. "Its such a shame. Like my own wife suck as the subject that I majored in."

"Hey!" I snorted. "I am a law student, not a science student. It's just not my thing."

Ty sighed. "Well, we still need to head back," he said as he pushed himself off the road and stood. "We have to be in the field trip for 3 whole days."

He bend down and put his hands on his back.

I stared at him. "What?"

"Get on. I will piggie back you home."

I stared at him in shock and then blushed. "NO! We are not doing that!" I yelled.

"Come on, Jess. You are tired from the whole mission thing and I know your legs and arms are still hurting," he said. I could sense the concern in his voice. "You are going to get sick so come on, get on."

I knew he was right. My arm was hurting badly. I needed to bandage it or put ice on it. I slowly went near his back and put my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, making it a piggy back seat.

Ty slowly stood on the road and began to walk.

My body felt so light weight as he was carrying me. It was silly but I was beginning to love this caring side of Ty.

Sometimes I feel so lucky to marry at 30. If I was in my 20s and so was Ty, then maybe we would fought over things that are silly and get into arguments but now, we both are mature enough to understand issues. I wasn't good in scince but I knew a human brain fully develops at the age of 25, so when people get married in their early 20s, they woukd have couple fights and make mistakes, but in our case, we both are 30 years old. Our brains were developed fully and we understood the world, the value of relationship more deeply. I was glad that Ty didn't took my job negatively. He was mature enough to understand my choice and beliefs and he respected that. I was glad that we got married at 30 and maybe that's why we are still working out things well.

My arms around his neck from the back tighten as I leaned in his back. I loved this feeling of being so close to Ty.

I looked at Ty and noticed him blushing a bit. I smiled.

Thinking back now, we will be in the field trip from September 10th till 13th.


September 13th?

That's Ty's birthday!

How could I forget?!

I watched Ty and smiled.

Well, Ty, this birthday, I would be a surprise for you!

I would make this birthday special for you.

So special that it would be your best birthday ever.

. . . just for you . . .

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