Chapter - 45

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Tears rolled down my eyes. I was sitting on a tree brunch in a forest. The rain had stopped for a few minutes now, but I couldn't stop sobbing.

My heart was breaking. I didn't know what to do. My soked clothes were hugging my body and my hijab dripping wet, making my hair wet under the hijab.

Memories of Ty and me floated in my brain.

I remembered how we first met. I remembered how we got married, how we started living together in our house . . .

Ty's words seemed to echoed around me.

Memories of when I first told him that I was his childhood friend flashback in my brain.

"I missed you, Jess."

Tears rolled down my eyes more as I remembered what he said when he got to know that I was his childhood friend.

More memories flooded in my brain as I hugged my knees to my body and sobbed.

"I don't regreat marrying. Not even a bit. Rather, I am grateful and thankful to Allah for let me have you in my life again."

"I am not loosing you over a stupid case or your career."

No, stop . . .

As much as I hated to hear Ty's words now, but, he was all I was thinking. His tender words . . . His sweet touch . . .

Ty's voice echoed around me.

"I am always at your side, Jess."

I put my hands on my ears. I didn't wanted to heard Ty's tender voice now!

"You really know how to drive me crazy, you know that?"

No! Please stop!

I couldn't even stop my own thoughts that were running in my brain!

"Love . . . so much . . . Jess."

Don't say you love me, Ty!

Please . . .

Don't make me so weak . . .

"I want a life with you, Jess.

"Noooo!" I sobbed out as broke into cry.

I couldn't hate Ty. I knew this was wrong. Loving a criminal was wrong! Then why do I keep remembering Ty's words! I didn't wanted to hear his words.

I just wanted to hate him . . .

But . . .

I let out a sobbing sounds. I began to sob as I put my hands in my mouth to lower my sobbing sounds.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn't hate Ty.

I just couldn't . . .

Ty meant eveything to me . . .

I kept sobbing until I noticed a motor cycle driving towards the tree that I was on. I whipped my tears and looked at the motorcycler.

The motor cycle stopped in front
of the tree and the person who was driving the motorcycle was a man, wearing a jacket and a shirt underneath with Jean.

That man got off the motorcycle and looked upward to the tree as if the tree where I was sitting. He knew that I was sitting there. But how? Who was he?

"My, my, did I heard Agent Jade sobbing a few minutes ago?"I heard a playful voice of him.

Agent Jade?

How did he knew that I was an agent? Who was he?

I jumped down the tree branch, landing perfectly on the ground. I looked at that man. He looked about 30 years old.

"Who are you?" I asked, using my harsh voice.

I couldn't let what happen between Ty and me to make me weak. Not now. I had to act strong.

"Me?" he laughed. "I am the person who you are looking for, princess," he said as he pulled off his helmet, revealing his fair skin and hazel eyes. His words held an accent. "I am Marc Scarletti."

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