💍⚡Chapter - 33⚡💍

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Buzz! Buzz!

I felt my phone vibrating as I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and noticed an arm circling my waist. I gasped as looked at my side and noticed Ty.

Ty was sleeping peacefully, leaning on the seat and having his one hand around my waist, protectively.

I looked around and saw everybody was sleeping. It was night time.

I felt the buzz on my phone again. I took out the phone and noticed that the phone call was from Inspector Ròse.

I took out the phone and received the phone call.

"Hello Inspector Ròse," I whispered, not to catch any attention.

"Agent Jade . . . huff . . . I . . ." before she could say anything more, I heard a gun shot in the phone.

"Ròse!" I whispered in high volume.

What was happening?!

"I am okay, Agent Jade," I heard her weak voice. "Listen . . . huff . . . I have found the real Inspector Ian."

My eyes wided. "What?" I gasped.

"Yes," she said as I heard another gun shot. "Seamed like the fake Inspector Ian forgot to turn off the cell phone of the real Inspector Ian. I tracked the cell phone of the real Inspector Ian and found him in a forest in a cave where he was tied and left alone helplessly."

I was shocked. "Inspector Ian probably got kidnapped 2 months ago, so how was he still surviving  . . ."

Another gun shot.

"Well, huff . . . he said that somebody would come to the cave and feed him," she said. "But the problem is, when I found Inspector Ian, I didn't realize the imposter Inspector Ian followed me, with his gang."

I was shocked.


That meant that she was alone with real Inspector Ian and were fighting with a whole bunch of gang memebers.

That was horrible.

There was no way, they could take down that many gangsters.

"Huff . . ." I heard her panting. "Inspected Ian is fighting as well and we did called the police force but it will take an hour for the police to find us since the forest is far from any police station . . . Ahh!"

I heard another gun shot.

"Ròse!" I panicked. The wincing voice was hers.

"Ouch!" I heard her painful voice. "Ian . . . no . . . hey!"

Just, what was going on there?! The least I wanted was for Inspector Ròse to get hurt.

Please no!

Please be alright.

"Agent Jade!" I heard a man's voice. "I am Inspector Ian . . . huff . . . Inspectors Rose . . . was shot on her leg."

I gasped.


This was bad!

Inspector Ian couldn't hold all the gangsters by himself.

He needed to do something. Something like . . .

An idea popped into my brain.

That's right.

Why didn't I think of these before?

"Inspector Ian, you said you are in a forest. Is there any tree with bee hives?" I asked.

"There is," he said.

"Good. So just go to the bee hive and shoot it, but make sure you and Inspector Ròse is far from the bee hive when you shoot the hive. This time, use bees as your weapon to defeat the enemies," I explained.

"But . . ."

"I know it is not the correct method but you and Inspector Ròse need to escape, even if it means playing dirty," I said. "Don't worry. I will take the charge for this and if that means that I have to talk to the police department head or even court, I will do it. But for now, do as I say."

"Roger to that then," Inspector Ian said and hung up the phone.

Today, the imposter would get caught. He had too. He wasn't going to get away this time. Not after hurting Inspector Ròse.

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