Chapter - 19

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I took my seat and looked at the science teacher who was unfortunately my husband.

I sighed.

This was weird.

Looking at a different side of him where he was strict and professional . . .

I liked the sweet version of him better.

"So, class, let's begin our classwork," Ty said as he took a marker and held onto the science book. "You are in grade 12, meaning your mark will be counted towards your univeristy admission. Therefore, I will be assigning you more homework than usual."

I sighed as I took out a notebook to write and behave like a regular student.

Ty kept talking, "There will be 8 units in total in this biology class. We are finishing every unit in 2 weeks. There is going to be a field trip for you guys after 1 month and 3 weeks, when we will be finishing up with our 2nd unit. The filed trip is going to be in 3 day trips at a labrotary where you are going to observe microorganisms and write your report on it. You will be staying at a hotel in that time period."

A trip, huh?

That's nice.

"There will be more information as the days goes by. For now, our first unit is the anatomy of a human body," Ty said as he began to talk about the unit.

I didn't listen to him though. My focus was on the library.

I needed to go there at lunch time.

After a whole period of having a lecture from Ty, I headed towards my second classroom which was the English classroom.

I saw a lot of people going in the classroom and suddenly a girl bumped into me from behind.

I turned around and saw her rubbing her nose. "I am sorry," she sneezed.

I smiled and said, "It's alright."

"Are you new here?" she asked and then again sneezed. "Sorry girl, I caught a cold."

"It's fine," I smiled. "Yes, I am a new student."

"Nice to meet you then," she smiled. "I am Luna."

"I am Naila," I said.

"Let's head back to our class,"she said.

I nodded and followed her inside the classroom. We grabbed two seats and sat there. Our English teacher came in the class and started the lesson.

We were told to read Twelfth knight, so everybody was focused on the books while Luna and I chatted to get to know eachother.

"So, how do you like this school so far?" she asked, moving a strange of her hair from her face and tugged it behind her ear and looked at me.

"It's good, I guess," I smiled. "So, we only have English together?"

"Oh well, let me see your time table," she said as she looked over my time table and made a disappoint face. "Yeah, I guess so." Her eyes wided when she looked at my science time table.

"What?" I asked her confusingly.

"No way!" she said as she looked at me. "You have Mr. Ishfaq for science?"

"I guess so," I said.

"Lucy you!" she laughed. "More than half of the female teachers and female stuffs are head over heels for him. Not to mention, a lot of female students have a crush on him too."


Ty was that popular here, huh?

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"No, nothing," I sighed. "Isn't having crush in a teacher for a student unlawful?"

"Well, I guess but you have to understand that it is not those type of crush. It is just admire, I guess," she explained.

"Oh, okay," I smiled.

"Although, he must be lucky to have most of the female teachers wooing him," she smiled.

I suddenly felt a bit uneasy. I didn't like this topic anymore.

"Actually, a rumors was going on that there might be a secret affair going on between my science teacher and Mr. Ishfaq," she kept talking.

I sighed.

Secret affair, huh?

That's right. In our wedding, none of Ty's coworkers came so nobody knew rhat he was married.

No wonder that rumors like that spread.

But . . .

I felt a bit a of heaviness in my chest. It was uncomfortable to listen to Luna's talk about this matter.

I wondered why though.

I mean . . .

Ty was just my childhood friend.

And, a husband . . .

But, still, why do I feel this uneasiness?

Oh well.

I need to focus on case, not in these weird rumors.

"Um, Luna?" I said as she looked at me.

"Yeah?" she said.

"You know the library-"

"Don't you dare talking about that library. It is a hunted library," she said. "Students always get kidnapped there."

I nodded. "But, do you know why are the kids are kidnap?" I asked.

"Kids?" she frowned. "Aren't you same age as ours?"

"I am," I lied and sighed.

If only you know that actually I am 12 years older then you . . .

"But, I don't know the story about the library properly," she said. "But, I have heard some footsteps in the library would be heard."


So somebody did came to the room.

But what was so special in the library?

I need to check that out.

"Luna, I need to go to washroom," I said.

Luna nodded.

I went to the teacher and noticed him marking some shakesphere questions. I took his permission and went out of the class.

I made my way towards the library. I stopped walking near the window and looked out.

Just as I thought, there was mud on the pipe, which meant that somebody climbed here usuing pipe.

I noticed the shoe steps and took out my measuring tape and measured the size.

It was 11 inch.

That big foot?

Usualy men had that big feet as an physical appearance, so maybe the guy who climbed here have the same shoe marks and shoe sizes.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my head from behind and turned around to find, Ty.

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