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I stared down at the girl in my arms. She was breaking into pieces second by second, and her sadness was insurmountable.

"It's okay...its over..." I whispered into her ear, my lips brushing against her golden studs. I held her until she sniffed and pulled away. The darkness shrouded us in our own thoughts, tension and serenity thick in the atmosphere.

"Hey...you good?" I asked, trying to make out who she was in the darkness.

She shook her head...I think.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Um...do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, feeling stupid immediately.

She sniffed. "It's...its just my dad." She said, leaving me rather speechless.

Why would her dad talk to her like that? I had heard the entire conversation in the dead silence of the night, and it angered me slightly.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. Just chill here for the night. I'm sure he'll let you back tomorrow, 'Kay?" I said trying my best to sound encouraging.

Which was not my specialty at all.

She nodded. For a while, we just stood there, listening to the sounds of nocturnal creatures give melody to the night. Slowly, we let go of one another and smiled awkwardly. She rubbed her arms. I could tell she felt weird.

"Um, so I guess I'll just head back inside..." she said softly. I nodded in agreement and watched her as she headed for the door, her bare feet crunching in the grass.

Just before she walked inside, she turned ever-so slightly and whispered a small, 'Thank you.' Then she disappeared into the house.

I sighed and pulled out my phone. It was pretty late. I decided to head home. I poked my head in through the door and saw Ashton sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. I chuckled to myself, walking out and closing the door behind me.

I walked home, thinking deeply about the girl and what her dad said to her. I felt a strange connection to her...like we were going through the same pain together.

I shrugged it off. After all, I'd probably never see her again...whoever she was.

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