Chapter 21 : Dance In the Moonlight part 2.

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Hello guys!!!!! Welcome back to another chapter for Demon Prince 😁😁😁😁😁😁. Hope you enjoy this chapter and i'll see you later 😁😁😁😁😁.

The night of the dance... Chatters are heard, students enjoys their fun, some boys tries to hit on girls, but failed miserably, a Demon living his live on a full love of the 8 girls with one oncoming. Port laughing with Oobleck smiling, Ozpin is watching his students with Glynda, until Ironwood ask Glynda to dance. And there's Ruby drinking her punch. After a dance with her boyfriend, she decided to watch from the side until...

Jaune="i see you're hiding at the punch bowl too."


Jaune="what do you mean "maybe"?"


After a while of awkward silence, Jaune decided to break the silence.

Jaune="to the socially awkward."

Ruby giggled and toast with Jaune.

Ruby="so... How you doing?"

Jaune="well, seeing how dance is... Maybe a little bit nervous."

Ruby giggled again.

Ruby="that's what (Y/n) said."

Jaune="really?" *sips a drink.

Ruby="yep. Believe me or not, he never been on a dance before."

Jaune is almost choked when she said that.

Jaune="wait, what?"


Jaune="that's some-"

???="i know it's hard to believe, but that's what happened."

The two of them look to the side, to find (Y/n).

(Y/n)="hey, Jaune. Hello, my little Rose."


Jaune="soooo.... The Prince has never dance before?"

(Y/n)="shut up... It's embarrassing, but yeah."

Jaune="well... Welcome to the team."

(Y/n)="of course."

Jaune and (Y/n) toast. After a while of silence and (Y/n) watching, (Y/n) found someone interesting.

(Y/n)="hold my punch for me."

Ruby and Jaune nodded and Ruby take his glass. A while after (Y/n) gone, Ruby drinks it. (Y/n) walking through the crowd, and then, he found Pyrrha. Pyrrha is heading to the balcony. (Y/n) follow her behind. After a walk, (Y/n) found Pyrrha on the balcony, looking forward.


Pyrrha turn around to see (Y/n).

Pyrrha="hello, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) walk towards her and hug her.

(Y/n)="i miss you, Pyrrha. Eventhough, we always see each other."

Pyrrha giggled and hug him back.

Pyrrha="yeah... I miss you too."

(Y/n) breaks the hug and pecked her lips, making Pyrrha blushing hard.

(Y/n)="so... You okay? Why i didn't found you on the way here?"

Pyrrha turns around.

Pyrrha="i... Am just arrived late, i'm afraid."

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