Chapter 25 : The Broken Brakes

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Hello guys!!!!!!! We're back for another chapter of Demon Prince 😁😁😁😁😁. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you later 😁😁😁😁.

3rd POV.
At last, peace at work in criminality. The White Fang members are working hard to Oum knows why, and then...



???="shut up."

The work are interrupted by some gun shot.

Roman="who in the hell-!?"


Roman="wait, what, who!?"

Tenkai="the prince boy."

Roman="damn it."

And then, Roman run to the place where the shot is, and Tenkai just walk. After a while, Roman reached the place... And he saw (Y/n), surrounded by the White Fang members.

Roman="well, well... If it isn't the prince of hell."

(Y/n) standing there, with a mad smile.

Roman="do you have any idea who's life you cost?"

(Y/n)="I should be the one who ask you that, you Pedo."

Roman="I'm not a perverted. I'm a-"


Roman="no, I'm a-"


Roman="will you-!?"

(Y/n)="you just kidnapped a girl, turn her into a killing machine. I don't know how you do that, but I'm guessing you rape her and break her mind. Damn... Roman Torchdick, the Lord of the Crime, is a pedophile old man, kidnapping children just for fun. Pretty much you will never be accepted in heaven and hell. That's just too creepy for me to think, actually."

Roman growled at him.

Roman="will you shut-!?"

(Y/n)="why should I hear a freaking Pedo like you? Plus, you really look like a Pedo, so... Yeah. Unlike all the Faunus member that you turn into killing machine, they already got my respect. But... I don't know if they are deaf or just never cared if someone respect them. Probably thinking that people that respected them is just a lie."

Roman="you know kid..." *prepare his Melodic Cudgel* "I have enough of-"

(Y/n) shot Roman hand, and Roman is screaming all over the place.

(Y/n)="you Pedo has no respect aren't you? Can you see the White Fang members that surrounds me? I already drain their soul."

Roman look to see all the White Fang members are fallen. This is the only time Roman felt fear for his life.

Roman="please... Stop... I beg you."

(Y/n)="how cute." *aim his (G/n) at Roman* "why should I hear you? Did you hear every victims you kill in your life?"

(Y/n) almost shoot him, but he aim and shot to the empty space in front of him.

(Y/n)="why don't you get out... Tenkai?"

Right on cue, Tenkai get out from his hiding.

Tenkai="ugh... Why should I believe in that girl?"

Roman="who's girl!?"

Tenkai="your former sidekick."


And then, Neo is landing slowly, at (Y/n) side.

Demon Prince (Rwby X Male Reader) (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ