Chapter 7: First Day Impression and first confession.

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Ruby="author, can I have the cookies?"

Me="you will get it, OK? BTW, as you can see, I have fight against the laziness in my brain and won, and now I will write again 😁😁😁. Well I hope you enjoy this, let the reading begin. Ruby, let's go buy the cookies."

Ruby="yay... Love you author."

Me=*blushes. "love you too, my rose."

(Y/n) POV

Now we are going to our dorm. After the initiation, we're really exhausted. So... Bed is the best thing right now. After a long walk, we found our dorm room, we unlocked the door, and our bag is already in there.

(y/n)="finally... I get some rest."

Kazuya="well, the initiation is easy, but we use our stamina too much."

Raijin="well... It is exhausting, but we need to unpack our thing here. Clothes, self grooming kit, and weapon."

Izanagi="can we just do that tomorrow? I'm beat right now."


(y/n)="come on Raijin. It's already 8 PM. We better go to sleep."

Raijin just groan after hearing me. Well it's true, it's already 8 PM and we're exhausted.

Raijin="well, alright then, let's go to sleep."

(y/n)="thank you."

Well, after all of us taking a bath, we're going to sleep.

The next day.
(y/n) POV

KRING.... KRING..... KRING....


Kazuya="I got it."

Kazuya turn off the alarm. We're all wake up.

(y/n)="ugh... I hate morning."

Kazuya="well, morning is the good time to do activities my lord."

(y/n)="sound like a nightmare to me."

Raijin="just stop complaining. Anyway, now we need to clean this up, unpack our things, and decorate."

Izanagi="how did you have full energy for this?"


Ugh.... Well let's just go. Right now, I'm sleepy, not to mention we wake up at 6 AM. And then, at 9 AM we have a class. Great...

2 hours later. (Spongebob narrator voice)

(y/n) POV

After a long, hard, and heavy decorating, we're done. Well, it's nice we're done. But...

(y/n)="finally. After 2 hours. We're done. Now I need to remind you that we have a class at 9 AM."

Izanagi="that's 1 hour from now. What are we gonna do?"

Kazuya="let's just get ready and go to class."

Raijin="yeah. Better gone first than being late."

(y/n)="yeah, you right. Let's go."

2 hours ago in team RWBY Dorm.

3rd POV

It was a beautiful morning. Birds were singing, the sun light on the grass, and a beautiful ice queen named Weiss sleep in peaceful manner, matter of fact, (y/n) will have a nose bleed because of her beautiful face. It was all peaceful and right. Until....

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