Chapter 11: Monkey and Robot Confrontation and sixth confession

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Author="finally.... I write again. Ah... Hello there. As you can see... I write again 😁😁😁😁😁. I won against my laziness. So hope you enjoy this chapter 😁😁😁😁😁."

Ruby="author.... Let's go!"

Author="OK Ruby. Well guys, hope you enjoy and I'll see you next time 😁😁😁"

(y/n) POV

Yesterday was great day. Getting tackled by team RWBY and confess to Pyrrha and of course fight in the duel of history. Right now, me and my team, are in the town with team RWBY. The town is being decorated too. For what, you ask? Of course for the Vytal Festival. We are in the middle of the town, with us being lead by Weiss.

Weiss="the Vytal Festival! Oh... This is absolutely wonderful!"

Ruby="I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much other than with (y/n), Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out..."

Weiss="how could you 'not' smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! And of course it's comfortable and great around (y/n). His smile, his deep voice, his toned body. Anyway... Not just that! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking."

(y/n)=*whispering to myself. "spoken like a real queen."

I spoke not so loudly, but... I guess she heard it. Her face was red like Ruby's Cape.

Yang=*sigh. "why your face is red, Weiss? And you know... You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring."

Weiss="quiet you."

(y/n)="come on Yang. Give her some slack. And believe me, even you said that it was boring, I didn't think that was boring enough." *whispering to myself. "unlike port story."

Weiss="thank you my prince."

(y/n)="you're welcome, my queen."

And her face is red... Again.there's a sound of a boat horn. Yes... We're being led to the docks. And it smell like fish.

Yang="remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?"

Ruby="ugh... They smell like fish."

Izanagi="well it's called the docks... Of course it's gonna be fishy."

Raijin="are you trying to make a joke?"

Kazuya="cause it's not that good."

I facepalm. Why did I bring my team?

Weiss="I've heard that students visiting from vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom."

Blake="she wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament."

Weiss="shut it, Blake."

I laughed hard at that. It was a good save. Nice....

Kazuya="if you want to spy someone, then why not tell me?"

Weiss="because I don't want you to execute someone for no reason, and you can't prove that Blake!"


(y/n)="what is it Ruby?"

She then pointed at one of the store, which the entrance is sealed by police line. Robbed store? In this afternoon??? Okay, now I'm confused. So, me, my team, and Team RWBY approached the crime scene.

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