CHAPTER 8 - (Dugeun, Dugeun)

Start from the beginning



"What would you do if someone from the past get backs again?" The older suddenly asked and stared at her for a second. The question got Yujin by surprise. She didn't thought that Minjoo will asked her this kind of question randomly.

"Why did you ask eonni?"

"Just... Wanted something to talk" Minjoo actually wanted "someone"  to talk with and that question she just asked? Isn't just a random question as what Yujin thought it was. 

"Okay. Ahm? Who's that someone from the past were you actually refering to eonni?" Minjoo thought for a second whether to push with the idea of having this as their topic or not. But, seeing the younger girl was now all getting ready for her answer, she decided to just go with it.

"Nevermind..." Or not. Yujin was quiet disapointed because she already prepared an answer for it. She was again scolding herself too as her question might cause a misunderstanding in the older girl's mind. She wasn't reffering to the person the older girl had encountered, she was actually referring to the person who she was kinda referring. Is he or she a loved-one? A family? A friend? You get the idea? Nevertheless, she decided to just let it go too. It's just a random question anyway. 

"Eonni? It's quiet late. Shouldn't you head back to your house? Chaeyeon eonni might get worried." Yujin told the older girl as soon as she noticed the time. It's 10:43, almost an hour since Yujin got there and her Chaeyeon eonni might be worried that her cousin wasn't home yet. Or her parents for that matter.

"Why would Chaeyeon get worried?" 

"Ahm? Because you're her cousin? And you're living together?" 

"Who said we're living together?" Minjoo asked half giggling at the sudden information of her and her cousin living together. She has her own house alright? Yujin made a thinking pose for a sec and Minjoo swore that it's the cutest thing she saw today especially when Yujin pouted her lips. 

"Sorry eonni, I just concluded it myself" Yujin nervously laughed while saying that. She trier to remember if Chaeyeon mentioned that she and her cousin were sharing the same house or dorm but she can't recall any because Chaeyeon never said or mentioned it. 

"I have my own house." Minjoo explained. Yujin silly laughed at it and internally smacked again her head.

"Of course she's living with her parents at their "own" house. Why did you thought that Chaeyeon and her were living together?" 

"You're so cute Yujin-ssi." Minjoo flashed her a smile and patted her head, messing up her hair. Yujin was surprised at the sudden act of the older girl but eventually find it cute and giggled along. 
Minjoo then stood up and was now ready to go when Yujin stopped her. 

"Minjoo eonni? Where are you going?" Minjoo was somehow bewildered but flashed her a smile again. 

"I'm going home. You said it's already late right? And Chaeyeon eonni might get worried" 

"Ahh, right. Right." Yujin nodded. She did said that earlier. "Well, let me walk you home. That way is also the way to our pad" Minjoo looked at the way to her house then back to Yujin. Quietly scaling whether the idea of Yujin walking her home is a good thing or not?

"Well, we're heading for the same way so why not?"

After a minute of thinking which for Yujin was equivalent for years, Minjoo slowly and carefully nodded. Still thinking if it's the right think to do. A big smile plastered on the younger girl's face upon getting an approval from her eonni. Celebrating that she won't be alone going home and that she can also accompany the older girl. 

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