Bowling and Kissing

Start from the beginning

"No, you can do better than that" Louis says and kisses me on the lips.

"AWW! Lou's got a girlfriend" the boys say. That's annoying. While Louis goes to the bathroom, we all put our shoes on really fast, about 2 minutes before Lou comes out again. Then we enter in our names and start bowling.

"Watch and learn kids, watch and learn" Jess says. The ball goes to the left side of the alley. We all crack up laughing, so does Jess. We find out how many she got, still laughing. 1 pin. We laugh louder until our sides hurt. Our meals come and Niall races to get his. harry is having a bowl of wedges. Lou and I are sharing a bowl of wedges with sour cream. So are Zayn and Jess. Liam is having half a bowl of fries but Niall eats both wedges and fries. HE'S LIKE A GARBAGE DISPOSAL!

"Oh, by the way, can I get your number?" Liam asks me.

"Sure" I say while eating. Real nice manners. He passes me his phone and I put it in.

"Can I have it too?" Louis asks me.

"K babe, pass me your phone?" I say, yet asking. He passes me it and I type it in. Harry, Niall and Zayn ask and I put it in all phones. After we've eaten, we start chatting about our most embaressing moments.

"Liam, what was yours?" I ask.

"Uh, we were doing a concert and I split my pants in front of 9'000 people and we had to do 2 songs before I could change my pants" he says going red.

"Louis, your turn" Liam rushes.

"Well, Harry and I went with a couple of friends to go skiing and we had fans over in france. So we were normally asked for photos. So this couple came up to us and we thought they said 'can we have a picture?'. So they held their camera up and Harry and I had our arms around each other, waiting for them to take the picture. It turns out they actually said 'can you take our picture?'. So we're just standing there with our friends laughing at us" Louis said while him and Harry went red.

"Hazza, what's yours?" I asked after 5 minutes of laughing.

"Uh, what Louis said" Harry says. Probably was.

"Niall, what is your LOL moment?" Jess asked.

"Uh, I don't know, I'll tell you when we get home". Don't wanna argue.

"Ok, Jess what about you, what's your LOL moment" Zayn asks.

"Uh, well I was in class and I had a different boyfriend then and his name was Nalin and we were in the same class. I was sick that day. My teacher didn't know about the relationship until we were sorting out desks and, uh, well, when we were doing the roll and my name was called out and my friend Katherine said I wasn't there. So someone decided to yell out "Sorry Nalin" and then they told the teacher about our...secret" Jess said, going red in the face.

After we all went "Oohhhh" they all turned to me.

"Finally, What is your LOL moment Sam?" Niall asked with a smug face.

"Look who's talking, you didn't wan to even share!" I exclaimed.

"Anyway, my LOL moment was when I was presenting the school assembly and we were checking if the microphones were working and I was sitting next to a guy named Durell. He was playing with mic and didn't even notice people were coming in. So I took it off him and managed to drop the microphone and fall off the stage" I say, laughing as I said it. Everyone else started laughing as well.

"AWW! That must've been so funny!!" Liam said.

"You have no idea..." I say blushing.

"Right, ready to go home?" Jess asks.

"NO! We wanna stay here" we say, throwing pretend tantrums. We end up sending Lou to the bathroom again and run to the car after we all take our shoes off. We get our own shoes on and shout who's driving and who's in the front. Jess and I were in the front before so now Jess and Zayn are in the front and Lou, Liam and I are in the back. Yet Harry and Niall are still in the same car. It's all good. We pack into the cars and start driving off to go to the boys house and say good-bye and everything.

10 minutes later we arrive at the boys house, surprisingly without any media, drop off the boys. Louis then drags, yes drags because I fell asleep, me to the back of the house. I wake up and Louis is right beside me. I jump because, well, what would you do if you found Louis Tomlinson right beside you? In less than 12 hours?

"Hey Sleepy-head" He says to me. I gently shove him.

"Hey, listen, I've got to get home and go to work tomorrow" I say sadly. But I haven't been to work in at least 3 months. Otherwise, I'll have to move out of my flat.

"Ok, well, I've got to go to the studio as well, so I'll pick you up for a movie tomorrow night at...7:00?" He asks me.

"Uh, OK" I say.

"Now, go home and sleep" he orders and in 3 seconds our lips meet.

He holds onto me and I don't let go. At least I don't think so. I'm having trouble choosing between my mind and real life.

"Gotta go, but come on twitter?" I asked, with a disappointing knot in my stomach, knowing that I just stopped kissing Louis Tomlinson. I'm such an idiot!

"Ok, hey guess what?" he sarcastically asks me.

"What?" I say pretending to be interested. He walks over to me and starts tickling me. I'll say this now, I'm a VERY ticklish person. So I start yelling,

"STOP! I'M TICKLISH!" while laughing. I finally manage to get him to stop after awhile.

"Hehe, see you hun" I say, giving him one last goodbye kiss and walk off. Just as I get in the car I get a text from Louis.

From - Louis (the tommo of all Tomlinsons) ;) - Bye, Love you babe ;-).

God he is so cute! I send one back and drive myself home to bed. 

A/N sorry it's short, I'm losing my battle to fatigue...Anyway I've had a while thinking about what happens in this chapter, even though it's really short. Now I can't wait to write the next!!

Plz comment on what sucks and what doesn't


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