Fifty seven/Sungwoon

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Daehwi didn't know where he was, but he was thankful that he didn't fall asleep on the streets.

"Hello?" He says, a bit frightened. He was wrapped in a thick blanket on a couch.

"Oh, you're awake?" The man says, smiling softly.

"Who are you?" Daehwi asks.

"I'm Ha Sungwoon, you were laying on the sidewalk, and I saw that..." he says but switches to the original topic.

"Anyways I didn't want you sleeping on the streets, are you okay?" Sungwoon asks, placing a cup of tea on the coffee table next to the couch for Daehwi.

Daehwi nods, looking down at his right wrist, it was bandaged.

"What did I do?" Daehwi asks, not remembering what happened last night after he found out that Eunji posted the video.

"You don't know?" Sungwoon asks, frowning.

Daehwi shakes his head.

"You cut yourself," He says, sitting down across from Daehwi.

"I did?" Daehwi asks, trying to take off the bandage.

"No no no leave that on," Sungwoon gets up quickly and stops Daehwi.

"Where am I?" Daehwi asks, looking for his phone.

"Oh, right outside of Seoul, about a fifteen minute drive," Sungwoon says, and Daehwi nods.

"My bag?" Daehwi asks.

"Oh! Your bag is in the kitchen along with your phone, I plugged it in," Sungwoon says, and Daehwi nods.

"Thank you,"

"Of course, do you need anything?" Sungwoon asks, and Daehwi shakes his head.

"So um, if you want to tell me what's... going on you can, but I'll understand if you don't want to," he says and Daehwi laughs.

"Well it's no secret. My name is Daehwi. I was in an idol group and it all started when I broke up with my ex girlfriend because she treated me horribly and I needed an excuse so I told her I was gay but I wasn't and she didn't believe me so I told her I had a boyfriend so then I needed a fake boyfriend and I got one but then I fell in love with him and everyone started telling me to kill myself, and I was thinking about it because I already hated myself. Then yesterday, my ex girlfriend leaked a random sex tape, claiming that I was the person in it which I wasn't, and after that, I got kicked out of the group," Daehwi smiles bitterly.

Sungwoon pauses for a moment, trying to process everything.

"So why aren't you with your boyfriend?"

"He's out of Seoul, he had an appointment but he should be back today,"

"Out of Seoul? Appointment for what?"

"He has cancer," Daehwi says, looking down.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine, I shouldn't have said anything,"

"No that's good, you got to let all of that out, and coming from your mouth and not the internet feels better, doesn't it?" Sungwoon says, and Daehwi nods.

"What time is it?" Daehwi asks.

"Two in the afternoon," He says, causing Daehwi to get up quickly.

"In a rush to get somewhere?" Sungwoon chuckles, and Daehwi nods.

"He should be home now,"

"Your boyfriend?" Sungwoon asks and Daehwi nods.

"I can take you there, you should eat first though,"

Daehwi nods silently before looking at his phone.


"Here?" Sungwoon asks, and Daehwi nods.

"Before I go, I just want to say thank you, for not taking advantage of me or doing anything to me, I'm thankful for what you've done," Daehwi says, and Sungwoon nods.

"It was nothing, just don't hurt yourself again like that please, things will get better," Sungwoon says, patting Daehwis back lightly. Daehwi nods, and gets out of the car, waving bye to Sungwoon as he walks closer to the door.

Daehwi knocks on the door, and in a few seconds the door opens. There stood Jinyoung, confused as to who was knocking at his door in the middle of the day because school was still going on.

Daehwi hugs Jinyoung tightly, like it's been years since they last saw each other.

"Baby, why are you here? You should be at school," Jinyoung kisses Daehwi, and then waves goodbye to Sungwoon, thinking that he was one of After8's drivers.

"Missed Hyung..." Daehwi says, breaking down into tears.

"Baby don't cry, I wasn't even gone for long," Jinyoung says, bringing Daehwi inside.

Daehwi stays silent.

"Why aren't you at school?" Jinyoung asks, sitting Daehwi down on his lap.

"I got kicked out, of the group," Daehwi says, sighing into Jinyoungs chest.

"What? Kicked out? Why?"

Daehwi sighs, and explains everything to Jinyoung.

"So you cut yourself," Jinyoung says with a harsh tone.


"Pull up your sleeve," Jinyoung orders.

"But Hyung-"

"Daehwi pull up your sleeve,"

"Hyung I didn't mean-"

"Daehwi pull up your fucking sleeve!" Jinyoung raises his voice, making Daehwi shiver.

Slowly, Daehwi obeys Jinyoungs orders, pulling his sleeve up half way. Jinyoung slowly unwraps the bandage and when he sees what was beneath the bandages he gasps.

"Oh my god," Jinyoung says, tears now falling.

"Hyung..." Daehwi says.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Jinyoung says, now crying just as much as Daehwi was.

"I-I don't know! I wasn't thinking right and I just let everything get to me," Daehwi cries into Jinyoungs chest.

"Baby you could've fucking died. If Sungwoon didn't spot you you could've bled to death, do you know how much that would've hurt me? Not just me, but everyone else,"

"Well do you know how much it's going to hurt me if you die?"

"Daehwi, I-" Jinyoung sighs.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything,"

"No Daehwi it's fine, I understand," Jinyoung says,

"How did we end up like this?" Daehwi chuckles, tears still soaking Jinyoungs shirt.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you," Jinyoung says, petting Daehwi's hair.

"It's okay Hyung," Daehwi chokes on his sobs.

"This is my fault. Maybe if you just stayed with Eunji you'd be happy and she wouldn't have made your life shit and you'd still be in the group and you wouldn't have... cut yourself, I can't believe you fucking did that Daehwi, this is all because of me. I did this, I'm sorry,"
Jinyoung says, his fists clenching.

"Hyung, don't say that. Because of you, I feel safe. You're the reason why I don't dread waking up everyday. I hope you know that you've made my life a million times brighter, I love you," Daehwi says, pecking Jinyoung on the lips.

"Daehwi, you cut yours-"

"I wasn't thinking properly, that was no way at all your fault," Daehwi frowns, grabbing Jinyoungs fist and lightly playing with his fingers.

"I'm sorry," Jinyoung says.

"Stop apologizing, please?" Daehwi says, and Jinyoung nods.

"I love you," Daehwi says, lifting Jinyoungs chin up.

"I love you too,"

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