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Over the majority of the day, Daehwi and Jinyoung talked a lot and got to be pretty close.
They shared a lot of things and talked about the most random stuff.

Then he suddenly remembered what he had told Eunji, that he had a boyfriend.

"Hey, Jinyoung?" He looked up to the boy.


"Um, so... basically I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday because she basically just used me for fame and sex and she treated me horribly," Jinyoung was suddenly interested.

"What was her name?" Jinyoung asks.

"Haha, Eunji," Daehwi sighs and Jinyoung freezes.

"You mean, Jung Eunji?" Jinyoung asks with a surprised face.

"Y-yea, you know her?" Daehwi asks, nervous.

"Mhm, stuck up bitch," Jinyoung mutters, then quickly puts his hands over his mouth, realizing what he just said.

"Haha, it's okay, how do you know her?"

Jinyoung paused for a moment.

"I don't know, I just do," he says.

"Ah, I see," Daehwi nods.

"Did you um... you know,"

"No!," Daehwi blushed, and then sighed.

"Stop lying,"

"Okay almost," daehwi says.

"What do you mean almost?" The boy was interested.

"Baejin, I don't want to get into detail here, I'm just going to leave it at this, her brother walked in the room," Daehwi cringed.


"Yea, you don't like it? I can call you something else if you want,"

"No, it's fine," Jinyoung says, trying to hide his blush.

"Quick question, how did that turn out as an idol?" Jinyoung asks.

"Dating her? Well, our company didn't have any reason for me to break up with her during our pre debut days, and when we debuted, our manager still let me date her, but only if the public knew. We eventually started gaining more fans and she just started getting more and more bitchy so I just decided to end it before something worse happened," Daehwi says, playing with his fingers.

"The public didn't care? You're young," Jinyoung says.

"They didn't mind, probably because they knew I wouldn't turn into a man whore since I was so young, but I just told everyone that I'm gay, for the sake of breaking up with her, and now everyone hates me and thinks I'm a piece of garbage," Daehwi sighs, sadly chuckling.

"First, you're not a piece of garbage, second, you're gay?" Jinyoung asks, blushing.

"Oh n-no, I just needed a lie," daehwi says, and Jinyoungs smile drops.

"Anyways, as I was saying, she asked me why I was breaking up with her and I couldn't think of anything good so I told her I was gay and I already had a boyfriend, but I didn't. Of course, she didn't believe me, and the only way to make her believe is if I get a fake boyfriend,"


"You mean..." Jinyoung starts.


"Are you serious?" Jinyoung chuckles a little, his smile showing.

"What do you mean?" Daehwi asks.

"You want me to be your fake boyfriend? That's what you're telling me," Jinyoung laughs.

"I- uh... yeah,"

"Okay," he smiles which leaves Daehwi shocked.

"Really?" He asks and Jinyoung nods.

Daehwi leans in for a hug but then Jinyoung stops him.

"No homo tho,"

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