Twenty five/red converse

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"We should get these Daddy," Daehwi says, pointing to the red converse on the shelf.

"W-what?" Jinyoung chokes.

Once Daehwi realized what he said, he immediately covers his mouth.

"I-" Daehwi says awkwardly.

"Did you just... did I hear you... can you-" Jinyoungs emotions were all over the place.

"Ha! Did you hear that Jihoon? He just called Jinyoung fucking daddy!" Woojin snickers before looking around to make sure no fans heard him.

"I didn't mean it!" Daehwi whines.

"How can you just call someone daddy?!" Samuel laughs.

"I- my vocal chords slipped!" Daehwi says, embarrassed.

"Okay bud," Samuel says.

In the end, Daehwi ended up buying the red converse for both Jinyoung and Him.

Samuel and Jihoon made a joke saying that they were gonna call them the "daddy converse" and Donghan could not stop laughing.


After all of the embarrassment, the six boys decided to go on some rides, of course, Daehwi chickened out because he was a scaredy cat.

They didn't want to leave Daehwi alone incase  a fan spotted him or something, so they did Rock Paper Scissors, and Samuel lost.

He whined, he really wanted to go on the rides.

"Stop being a puss- I mean, stop being a scaredy cat Daehwi," Samuel says, sticking his tongue out at Daehwi.

"Yah, I'm your Hyung!" Daehwi says, eyeing Samuel.

"It's okay, I'll stay with him Samuel," Jinyoung says, sitting down next to Daehwi.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm not really a fan of boring rides like these, I've been on them multiple times already," Jinyoung shrugs. Samuel thanks him, then runs off to where the others went.

The sun was setting and Jinyoung wanted to take Daehwi on the Ferris Wheel.

"Okay but, I don't really like heights," Daehwi sighs, but Jinyoung ignores him and pulls him to the line that was basically empty.

"Why is there nobody in line for this except a couple of people?"

Jinyoung looked around to see where everyone else was since there was literally nobody in the line for the Ferris wheel.

There was a group of about six teenaged girls, laughing at something that Jinyoung assumed was a picture, there were three boys in about their twenties talking so loud about this game that they were playing, loud enough for Jinyoung to hear, and there was a little girl walking by holding her dads hand, begging him to get her a phone because all of her friends had one.

"Everyone's too busy on their phones," Jinyoung sighs.

They got on the Ferris wheel and stared at the overview of the fair below them.

"Woah, it's so pretty," Jinyoung says in awe.

"Haha, yeah..." Daehwi awkwardly says, not wanting to look down.

"Oh come on, just look," Jinyoung says lightly pushing Daehwi's shoulder, which makes him jump in shock.

"Fine," Daehwi looks down at the fair and he was glad he looked down, it was so pretty.

"So, about you calling me da-"

"I don't wanna talk about it," Daehwi blushes, embarrassed.

"Okay, um... so the dance competition is in three days," Jinyoung says.

"Yeah, I think we'll do good," Daehwi says, looking Jinyoung in the eyes, then looking back down.

"What about the team that Got7's BamBam And Yugyeom are on? What's their name again? They're really good," Jinyoung whines.

"Double Up, their name is Double Up," Daehwi says, eyes on the sunset.

"..." Jinyoung gets lost into the silence.

"Jinyoung?" Daehwi says and Jinyoung hums in response.

"Have you ever thought about what more we could be if I wasn't an idol?" Daehwi says, looking back down at the tiny people walking through the fair.

"What do you mean? Isn't what we have right now good enough?" Jinyoung looks at Daehwi's side profile.

"Of course, but we wouldn't have to cover up, we would be able to be open about our relationship," Daehwi says, looking at Jinyoung.

"If you quit being an idol just for me, you'll officially be classified as crazy," Jinyoung softly chuckles.

"I know we just met, but I... I'm in love with you Bae Jinyoung,"

"You're not quitting your job," Jinyoung says with a tiny smile on his face, grabbing Daehwi's hands, one hand in each.

"Okay," Daehwi says.

"Can I kiss you?" Jinyoung finally has the courage to say.

"I mean I guess, since were dating? But no homo tho," Daehwi says jokingly.

"Shut up idiot," Jinyoung says, and kisses Daehwi softly.

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