Thirty nine/dog cafe

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"Oh my god, cuties!" Daehwi says in English, staring at the cute puppies in awe.

"They're cute aren't they?" Jinyoung says, grabbing Daehwi's hand, not understanding what he just said. He didn't care that they were in public, everyone already knew that they were a thing.

"What would you two young men like to order this fine evening?" The pink haired lady says, walking up to the two who were now sitting down.

"Wait! You're Lee Daehwi right? And that's your boyfriend!" She says excitedly.

"O-oh, nice to meet you," Daehwi smiles awkwardly, he never learned how to act in situations like these.

"You know I never thought I'd date a celebrity in my life," Jinyoung says once the waitress leaves.

"Shut up, I'm not even that famous," Daehwi says, looking down at a fluffy puppy that rubbed against his leg.

"Well, now you are," Jinyoung laughs.

"Yeah, because of you," Daehwi says, smiling.

"And is that a bad thing?" Jinyoung jokingly asks.

"I'll have to think about that," Daehwi says, and Jinyoung hits him.

"I'm just kidding!"

"Hi mom," Jinyoung says

"Oh, hi Jinyoung, I was just-Daehwi honey! I forgot you were coming," she smiles, and Daehwi bows.

"Wow, thanks," Jinyoung jokingly rolls his eyes and his mom laughs.

"Jinyoung darling, could you hand me my phone please, I need to text your dad to hurry up,"

"He's in the same house though?" Jinyoung says.

"But I don't want to yell honey, you know how he is, he likes taking his time," she says, and Daehwi lightly plays with Jinyoungs fingers

"Hi son," suddenly, a tall figure walks into the room, and Daehwi shivers.

"Hi," Jinyoung smiles, caressing Daehwi's palm behind their backs.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, ruffling his sons hair.

"I'm fine,"

"Who is your friend we have here?" He says, making Daehwi frown.

"My name is Lee Daehwi, nice to meet you s-sir," he stutters, then bows.

"He's not my friend dad, he's my boyfriend," Jinyoung says confidently.

"Boyfriend? Congrats," he says awkwardly and Daehwi sighs.

"I'm going to wait in the car, Jinyoung, can you go upstairs and start the laundry load please?" She says, and Jinyoung nods, walking upstairs.

How could he do this? Daehwi was currently standing alone with Bae Jinyoungs father who he didn't even know the tiniest bit, it was so awkward.

"So, you're the boyfriend," he says, hands in his pocket.

"Yes sir," Daehwi bows.

"You love my son?" He asks, and Daehwi blushes.

"Of course, sir," Daehwi says. Could Jinyoung please come back already?

"Well, you do realize that he doesn't have that much time left, right?" he says, and Daehwi's mouth goes slightly agape.

How could he say that about his own son? Could be at least have some hope?

"Yes sir," Daehwi just goes along with it.

"Who's younger?"

"I am, s-sir,"

"How did you meet?"

"We met in the hospital, sir,"

Why was Jinyoung taking so long?

"Do you have a job?"

"I'm an idol, sir," Daehwi says awkwardly.

"An idol? Like in a band?"

"Yes sir, we debuted a couple of months ago,"

"Good for you,"

"Thank you sir,"

"Enough with the sirs, don't feel uncomfortable around me,"

You can't tell me what to do.

"Thank you Mr. Bae,"

"Have you ever had sex with my son?" He says, making Daehwi choke on nothing.


Goddamnit Bae Jinyoung where are you?

"Answer me boy," he says, frightening Daehwi.

"N-no sir," Daehwi stutters, forgetting that he told him not to call him that anymore.

"Are you telling me the truth boy?"

"Dad! You're making him uncomfortable!" Jinyoung says, grabbing Daehwi's hand.

"I was just asking, anyways, your mom and I will be out until tomorrow, bye you two," he says, leaving.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, the dryer wouldn't start for some reason. Also, don't mind my dad, he seems scary but he's really not, sorry if he made you uncomfortable, it was my fault for leaving you f-"

"Don't worry about it Baejin, it's fine," Daehwi says, pulling his boyfriend into a bear hug.

"I love you," Jinyoung says, their faces inches apart.

"I love me too," Daehwi says, causing Jinyoung to push Daehwi away.

"I hate you," Jinyoung chuckles, and Daehwi grabs Jinyoungs tiny waist and pulls him into a kiss. Jinyoung blushes but at the same time gives Daehwi a hey I'm supposed to do that I'm older kind of look.

"I love you too," Daehwi smiles.

18. Dog cafe✔️

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