Thirty one/phone call

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"Daehwi sweetheart, have you heard?"

"I didn't hear you right... it's not true, it's not true, it's not-"

"I'm sorry... this is harder for me than it is for you Daehwi, he's my own son. I'm sorry we didn't tell you... Jinyoung didn't want to hurt you,"

And at that, Daehwi dropped his phone.

"Daehwi? Hello?" The faint voice of Jinyoungs mother could be heard from his phone which was currently on the floor.

He sat there, tears falling down his face, one by one.




"Daehwi?" Minhyun asks quietly from the other side of the door.

Silence. He ignored Minhyun.

"Daehwi, what's wrong?" He tries again.

And again, Daehwi ignores Minhyun, and continues to stare at the blank wall.

"Daehwi, come on, I know you're in there," Minhyun says, a bit louder than last time.

"Leave me alone," Daehwi says, tightly shutting his eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong and I can help you, don't just sit in your room and cry, that not going to solve anything," Minhyun says and Daehwi rolls his eyes.

"Last time I checked, you hated the fact that I was gay, so leave me alone because i don't want help from someone who thinks I'm a human trash bag," Daehwi says, getting up and throwing himself on his bed.

"Don't be a brat Daehwi, I'm trying to help you," Minhyun says, picking the lock on Daehwi's door.

"Go away," Daehwi sighs loudly.

"Did your boyfriend break up with you?" He says, walking into Daehwi's room.

"No, now please Hyung, get out!" Daehwi sobs, and Minhyun sighs loudly.

"So what? You're just gonna sit here and cry all night? At least eat something," he says, caring for the boy.

"I'm not hungry," Daehwi says quietly, looking at Minhyun.

"Well come out if you are, okay?" Minhyun says and Daehwi nods.

"Hyung, wait," Daehwi stops Minhyun.

"What's up?" He turns back around, looking at Daehwi.

"Why are you so against me?" He says.

"What are you saying?" Minhyun looks down as he shuts the door.

"I'm saying, why is it the worst thing in the world that I'm gay? Why are you so against it? Why does it matter? If I love someone that makes me happy, isn't that good enough? Why aren't you taking my happiness into consideration?" Daehwi says, choking on his sobs at the last word.

"Daehwi, I-" Minhyun starts, but Daehwi only hears his own sobs.

"My dad is gay," Minhyun says, causing Daehwi to quiet his sobs.


"My parents were the happiest couple, we did everything together, and then one day, my dad came home and wanted a divorce. My mom found out that he had been secretly dating this guy for about a year and then they got divorced and my childhood was ruined, he ruined my childhood, all because of some stupid guy that seduced him."

"Hyung..." Daehwi starts.

"No, don't worry about it, get some rest," he stands up and leaves the room, giving Daehwi no time to say anything.

This fanfic is a flop.

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