Nine/stay quiet

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Daehwi had been running for the past five minutes. His fans had been chasing him all over the school.

He ran quickly and turned a corner, there were quite a lot of people in the hallways so it was a bit harder for them to find Daehwi. Once he turned the corner he had about five seconds to make a decision, should he go into the boys washroom where they could easily get in, or should he keep running?

Daehwi was pretty tired at this point so he decided to go with the first option. He dashed into the washroom but all the stalls were occupied.

Suddenly, a boy opened the stall door in front of him and Daehwi being the stupid boy he was with no time to think, ran up to the boy and pushed him back into the stall, closing the door behind them. Their two bodies were pushed up against each other, the boy could feel the idols breath sending shivers down his spine. Suddenly Daehwi realized who the boy was; it was none other than Bae Jinyoung, his "boyfriend."

"What the fu-" Jinyoung started but Daehwi shushed him by placing his hands over his mouth, Jinyoung tried to push him away.

"Baejin, we have to be quiet, I'll explain later," Daehwi whispered, the nickname made Jinyoung blush.

The close contact their bodies were having made Jinyoung go crazy, the idol was a bit shorter than him, so Daehwi's nose was at Jinyoungs lips, but he could mainly only see the boys blonde hair. He could feel Daehwi's breath on his lips and he tried so hard to control himself. Even though the two just met a couple days ago, he felt some kind of way towards the idol, but he didn't like him already, right?

"I think I saw Daehwi Oppa come in here," a girl said, who was followed by a bunch of squealing fans.

"Daehwi-ya, are you in here?"

"I swear he came in here,"

"Maybe not, what if he went in the girls washroom?!" A girl says from outside of the stall, blushing at the thought of her beloved Daehwi and her kissing in one of the stalls.

"Yah, you're gross, let's go," the group of at least 10 girls leave.

Once Daehwi's chest backed away from Jinyoungs, he sighed.

"What the hell was that?" Jinyoung asks, staring at the idol.

"I, I-" Daehwi stutters.

"Don't worry, I understand," Jinyoung chuckles and playfully hits Daehwi's chest.

"No homo tho?" Jinyoung jokingly asks.

"No homo bro,"

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