Fifty five/baby don't cry

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"Come and eat," Woojin opens Daehwi's door without knocking.

"No thank you," he says politely before pulling the blanket back over his head.

"Can you tell me what's wrong at least? You told Seongwoo, why can't I know?" Woojin sits down on Daehwi's bed, only for Daehwi to stay silent.


"What, do you want to know that people are telling me to kill myself?" Daehwi says, then goes quiet.


"Was that what you wanted? Please go away Hyung," Daehwi says, his voice cracking.

"Listen to me. Why are you getting hurt by those comments? Daehwi you shouldn't be listening to what some dumb twelve year olds have to say because they're not worth even one second of your time. If you're getting harassed because you're gay, because you're fucking in love, then there's some messed up shit going on in those peoples heads and-"

"Woah woah woah what's happening?" Daniel suddenly walks in the room, his hair wet with only a pair of shorts on.

"Hyung, why is it just me?" Daehwi says, crying.


"Your post, everyone loves that you're gay with Seongwoo, but everyone wants me to kill myself because I'm in a relationship. Why?"

"Well," Daniel sighs.

"Well," Daehwi sits up, waiting for an answer.

"That, I can not explain. I guess some people are just like that, stubborn," Daniel says, patting Woojins upper back.

"Anyways what I'm saying is just don't listen to them, please? They're just a waste of time and you getting sad about it? That's exactly what they want to happen," Daniel says before walking out of the room.

"Listen to Daniel, he's got a point,"  Woojin looks Daehwi in the eyes before following Daniel out the room.

"Hello?" Daehwi tiredly answers the phone, not even checking the contact.


"Hyung," Once Daehwi hears Jinyoungs voice, he breaks down.

"Baby, don't cry,"

"But I miss you," Daehwi says, his shaky voice breaking Jinyoungs heart.

"I've been gone for one day, there's no way you can miss me that much,"

"Don't want Hyung to leave me,"

"Leave you?" Jinyoung asks, putting the phone closer to his ear.

"Please don't die," Daehwi cries softly, which causes Jinyoung to shed a single tear.





"Hyung won't die, don't worry," Jinyoung says, sighing quietly.

"Promise me?"

"I Promise you,"

"Goodnight Hyung," Daehwi says quietly into the phone.

"Goodnight Angel, I'll be back as soon as you know it,"

And at that, Daehwi let out a big sigh and stuffed his face in his pillow, letting all of his tears fall.

"Daehwi?" Daniel quietly knocks three times before entering the room.

"What," Daehwi says, almost a whisper.

"I uh, brought you dinner, since you're not gonna come out and eat," Daniel says, placing the bowl of soup on the side table.

"Thank you,"

"You okay?" Daniel asks quietly.

"I hope so," Daehwi smiles faintly.

"Well take a nap or something, or go to bed a bit early, you've been crying too much your face is swollen," Daniel says and Daehwi nods.

"Night Hyung,"

"Goodnight Daehwi,"


Was the first word Daehwi heard when he woke up. He jumped awake once he heard the loud screams of Jisung. Jisung rarely ever swore so Daehwi decided to see what was happening.

"Uh," Daehwi starts when he sees Jisung slapping his head silently behind Seongwoo, Minhyun, and Guanlin who were laughing at him.

"What happened?" Daehwi asks.

"He walked into Woojin and Jihoon fucking,"

"Oh," Daehwi chuckles.

"Who even fucks in the morning?" Seongwoo laughs.

"Hyung, I'm sorry!" Woojin says, a bit of a laugh coming out.

"How could you- why do you- how- what?!" Jisung slaps his head even more.

Jihoon stood behind Woojin blushing, mixed with embarrassment.


"Why do you guys fuck so quietly!" Jisung shines.

"Do you mean why or how?" Woojin says with a smirk on his face before Jihoon hits him.

"I'm leaving," Daehwi says.

"No you're not, school starts in an hour, be ready in half," Minhyun says and Daehwi groans.

Guess he had to go another day without Bae Jinyoung.

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