Four/tiny headed boy

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Daehwi woke up in a bed. It was much more comfortable than the beds in their dorms, even though this bed was smaller. Maybe it was just the fact that he had gotten more sleep than usual.

He looked around to find his Hyungs out of sight. Where had they gone? All he saw was two beds next to him on his right, and one on his left.

There were people in them.

The two on his right were both sleeping and the boy on his left was reading a book quietly.
"Excuse me?" Daehwi says quietly. The boy looks up from his book, and then at Daehwi.

"Oh, hi, I thought you were still sleeping," the boy shyly chuckles and Daehwi laughs along.

"I'm Lee Daehwi, I don't know if you know me, I-uh, I'm from a boy group called After8," he says, looking at the brown haired boy. He had a really small face, and he was quite handsome in Daehwi's opinion.






"Haha, oh, my name is Bae Jinyoung, nice to meet you," the small headed boy says.

"So, why are you here?" Daehwi asks.

"I actually don't know, apparently I passed out two days ago and the doctors are still trying to find out what's wrong with me, I just want to go home," he sighs, tiredly laughing at the same time.

"I feel you, but at least I get to sleep in for another day and not have to wake up at 5 in the morning to get ready for the concert I have in Japan," Daehwi sighs, falling back on his bed.

"Awe, it must be hard. But may I ask why you're here?" He asks.

"Last night, one of my members dropped some glass plates and they shattered on the floor and I went to help him but I stepped on a lot of glass and then the next thing I knew, my other members came down and started screaming at each other and they were trying to take the glass out of my foot but it hurt too much so I refused to let them and they ended up calling an ambulance and Minhyun Hyung, one of my members carried me into the ambulance while crazy fans were taking pictures and I don't remember the rest," he says quickly, but Jinyoung still heard everything he said.

"Your members seem interesting," Jinyoung chuckles with Daehwi until another boy from the bed at the end wakes up.

"Hey Woojin, you're awake," Jinyoung smiles and the young boy nods.


"Sadly," he says and falls back onto his bed. Then Daehwi looks at him only to realize, it was a different Woojin, a younger one.

"Woojin, say hi to Daehwi, he came in last night,"

He instantly jumped right back up.

"Daehwi? From After8? Oh my gosh I'm such a big fan of you, I love your music so much ahhhh," Woojin rants and Daehwi thanks him.

"Hehe, so what school do you guys go to?" Daehwi asks.

"I'm homeschooled," Woojin says.

"I go to SOPA," Jinyoung says.

"Really? How come I've never seen you?" Daehwi asks.

"I don't know, I'm in grade 12, you?"

"Ah, I'm a year younger than you I guess, Hyung," Daehwi chuckles.

"Gross," Woojin teases.

Suddenly, a nurse walks in.

"Oh, Daehwi, you're awake, is your foot okay?" She asks and Daehwi nods.

"Jinyoung, have you taken your medicine?" She looks at the boy and he nods.

"Woojin, why isn't your leg elevated?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he says and she helps him, then leaves.

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