Fly Away

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Emma Swan-Jones know she felt off during her 8-hour job as a flight attendant, she works with her husband for 5 years Captain Killian Jones on the same plane. Emma kept trying to concentrate on her job as she found out that she was pregnant this morning before she and her husband went to work, now she was concerned for the safety of their child. When she was on break, she was sitting down in an available backseat and she puts her hand on her abdominal where her child  lay and rubs it. She smiles. "Mommy loves you little one. When I tell your Daddy about you, he will love you too." When their flight landed in London, they had a 5-hour delay at London Heathrow Airport before they take off back to New York City. As people were leaving the plane, Killian knew something was wrong with his wife. They had been married for 5 years, met in flight school and fell in love. He knew she was in the foster system, she was raped as a run away from the foster system and he broke her walls. After all of the passengers left, Emma and the other flight attendants cleaned up, the plane. Killian waited for his wife. Once she saw him, he gave her a big hug. "Love, are you alright?"

"Can we talk in private?"

"Sure, love. We can take a trolley to London Park."

"Can we just talk in your cabin?"

"Sure, love." He opens the door. "Love, I know something is going on with you. Please tell me." Emma looked nervous. "Killian...I have something to tell you that might change our relationship...mostly me."

Killian takes his hands in hers and looked at her with his concerned beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Swan, I love you. We have been married for 5 years and been together for 8 years. Please tell me."

Emma started tearing up, "I am pregnant."

Killian smiled big at her." Emma, you really are pregnant?"

Emma smiles."Yes, we are going to be parents, Killian."

Killian gets on his knees and kisses her abdominal. "Daddy loves you, little love."

Emma smiles happily, "Are you looking forward to being a Daddy?"

"Yes, Emma. It is the best news in the world."

"I am looking forward to being a Mommy from the beginning this time around."

"Love, I am going to be with you and our child every step of the way." He hugs her. "Now, we need to get off the plane."

"Yes, let's walk around London and celebrate." As they were walking around the London Bridge, "Are you happy about the babe?"

"Yes, I am. Now, I am wondering if I can still work since I am pregnant."

"Emma, if you have to stop work."

"I can work on the ground at JFK Airport instead, so we can both be paying stuff for the baby." She rubs her tiny unnoticeable baby bump.

"Do you know how far along are you?"

"Maybe a month pregnant or 2 months?" He takes her into her arms.

"I love you and our little babe." He puts his hands on her abdominal.

"I am just hoping that I can be a good Mom this time around." Killian faces Emma.

"Emma, you are a good person, who I love. Remember this time you are not alone this time. You and I are going to be a team being parents from the beginning."

"As long I am not alone this time, I have you."

"Aye, we are going to be great parents from the very beginning together." They held hands and walked around. When they walked passed by fish and chips stand, Emma rushes to the nearest trash can and hurls. "Emma..."

"Pregnancy sensitive to smell..." She pukes some more and he rubs her back. After she was done, she hugged him. "Thank you. I am not going to be myself for the next months."

"Hey, I love you for anyway form of you. I love you and our little babe loves you." He checks the time, "We need to get back to our plane."

"Yes, we need to captain. I am just concerned about the safety of our baby. I mean, is there any way that I can lose the baby on the plane? Will our boss not let me fly?"

"Emma, you have to tell our boss after we return to JFK Airport."

"Yes, I will. Can you come with me?"

He wraps his arms around her. "Of course love. I will do anything for you and our little love." They kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Emma." Killian helped her safely back to their plane. He made sure that she does not do the heavy lifting on the plane. "Ashley ."

"Yes, Killian."

'Can you make sure Emma does not do any heavy lifting?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Health reasons."

"I will make sure, Killian."

"Thank you, Ashley ." He watched his beautiful wife smiling with beginning to greet passengers knowing that they will be parents together. After Emma greeted the passengers, she looked up at her husband and smiled. "What are you staring at captain?"

"You, Emma. My beautiful wife and Mommy to be." They hug and both put their hands on Emma's abdominal. "Please be careful, love."

Emma smiles. "Yes, I..we will be careful."

"I will see you when we land in Queens."

"Yes, captain." They kiss. Emma announced to the passengers to sit down and remain seated as they were about to fly. Killian preps to fly. After Emma and Ashley showed the passengers' safety lesson and made sure everyone was buckled in."Attention, passengers this is your Captain Jones speaking, we are about to take off. Please stay in your seats and enjoy your 5-hour flight to New York City." Emma sat in the back buckled in. "Baby, you are loved already by your Daddy and me your Mommy." She rubs her unnoticeable baby bump and relaxed as the plane that her husband was flying was taking them home

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