End of Getaway

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Emma wakes up seeing Hope fast asleep in her pack and play they packed for their trip. She smiles really cannot believe she is at her Dad's house. She gets ready for the day, tee-shirt, and jeans out of her sweats. She braids her hair into a french braid. Her iPhone rings, it was Rosie. "Hi, Rosie!"
"Emma! I have news!"
"What is your news?"
"I found my sister!"
"You have a sister?!"
"Yes!! Her name is Mulan! She was adopted at birth like me. She lives in Boston!"
"Rosie, that is amazing news! How did you find her?"
"I bought a DNA kit online. I took the 23andme DNA test. I send my spit into a vile. I sent it in. When I got the results of my countries..." Hope wakes up crying.
"Rosie, hold on. Hope just woke up." Emma gets Hope from the pack and play. "Hi, baby girl."
Emma kisses Hope on the head and sits on the bed. "Mommy is talking to Rosie." She puts Rosie on the speaker. "Rosie, I am back." Hope babbles.
"Hi, Hope."
"How did you got in touch with your sister?"
"Okay, after I got my results. I found a match,which said Mulan. I called her. We found out we are full-blood sisters from our DNA results. She is 2 years older than me."
"Where does she live?"
"She lives in Massachusetts."
"When are you two getting together?"
"We are meeting in New York at the end of the week. I was wondering if you and Allison would like to join us."
"I would love too. I have to ask Allison first to see when she is free. We are actually in Connecticut right now."
"Oh really?"
"We are visiting our biological Dad."
Rosie screams. "You found your biological Dad!!"
Emma chuckles. "Yes! We are visiting our Dad on his farm."
"Wow! How is Henry? Killian told me you two are in the adoption process."
"He fits in our family right away. He has some issues from the foster system and is neglected. We are there for him when he needs us."
"Dada!" Emma looks up seeing Killian. She sets Hope down and she goes to her Daddy."Dada!"
"Good morning, little love." He holds Hope on his hip.
"Henry is downstairs with grandpa and Auntie Allison."
"Killian,Rosie found her biological sister. She wants us to meet her."
"That is amazing, love."
"Are you hungry for breakfast?" Hope babbles. "Aye, we need to eat. Emma, we will see you when you finished your phone call." Killian takes Hope downstairs to the kitchen, where Henry was talking to David about DC comics at the kitchen table as David was cooking pancakes. "Wy-wy!" Henry goes to his sister and Dad.
"Hi, baby sis." He takes Hope from their Dad. "You can sit next with me."
David faces Hope. "Hi, little princess. Are you happy sitting with your big brother?" Hope babbles and gripped her grandpa's nose. "You got my nose!" Hope laughs, making Henry laugh. Killian chuckles and takes a picture of Hope and Henry with David.
Allison and Connor return from outside. "What is going on here?"
"Hope took gramps nose." Connor babbles. "Connor, you can sit with us."
"After you wash your hands, little man." She washes Connor's hand and puts Connor in the seat next to Henry."Wy-wy."
"Aunt Allison, dad, Hope and Connor are calling me Wy-wy."
Hope hugs her brother. "Wy-wy."
"Hope, you and Connor can both call me Wy-wy." Connor stand up and hugs Henry. "You too, Connor."
Allison chuckles. "Dad, is breakfast ready? That is the only thing I could tell Connor that breakfast was ready so he can come inside from playing with the animals."
"Breakfast is almost ready. Connor takes after me."
"He sure does."
Emma arrives downstairs. "Henry, you are getting a lot of hugs."
"Yes, I am, Mom. Hope and Connor were arguing over who can call me Wy-wy. They both can." Emma chuckles. She sits next to Connor. 'Little man."
"Em-em!" Connor hugs his Aunt Emma.
"Hi, Connor." She looks at her sister. "Allison, your little man loves hugging me."
"He loves hugging his Auntie Em-em."
"How did you sleep last night?"
"It was good. Connor only got up at once last night. He woke up early this morning to pet the horses and help Dad feed the chickens."
Emma chuckles. "Connor,do you want me to get you animal toys?" He kisses him on the head.
"Emma his birthday just passed."
"That does not mean I get to spoil my nephew." Hope grips Crush. "Wy-wy."
"Yes, that is my toy, little sis." He holds his stuffed animal. Connor grabs the stuffed animal.
"Connor, no. That is Henry's elephant." Emma takes the elephant and gives it to Killian. Connor was crying.
Allison takes her son from her sister. "Son, I will put this in your room."
"Thank you, Dad."
"Henry, Connor did not break Crush."
"I know, Mom. I am glad that you stopped him."
"He is your favorite toy, kid. Connor has his own toys." Henry smiles at his Mom.
"Breakfast is ready." David put plates of pancakes onto the table, with scrambled eggs on the side. "Dad, these look so good."
"Thank you, Emma. Which one do you want? Buttermilk or blueberries?"
"Buttermilk. Dad, I can make my own plate." She makes her own plate and Hope's plate cut up pancakes and eggs.
"Gramps, can I both a little bit of both."
"Both for my grandson." He made a plate of buttermilk and blueberry pancakes. "Do you want eggs?"
"Yes, please." He added eggs to his plate. "Thank you, gramps." Killian returns back downstairs.
"Allison, do you want me to make you a plate?"
"Yes, and can you also make Connor a plate cut-up of everything."
"That I can do." David makes Allison and Connor plates.
Hope babbles. "Baby sis, you need to try gramps eggs and pancakes." Hope hands over a piece of egg to her brother. Emma was in awe Hope was sharing with her brother. Killian takes pictures of henry and Hope on his iPhone. "Thank you, Hope. That is your eggs. I have my own."
"Okay." He takes the eggs from his sister. "Thank you, Hope."
"Hope, you are sharing with your big brother." She kisses Hope on the head and makes sure she eats her food.
"Lad you can put the eggs on the napkin."
"Yea, I see the baby drool. Hope loves to share."
"She is learning from you, lad." After breakfast, Hope and Connor were both tugging Henry outside. "Hope, Connor. I am only one person."
"Wy-wy." Hope points one way.
"Wy-wy." Connor points at the cows.
Emma and Allison were washing the dishes, they see the toddlers fighting over Henry. "Allison, our babies are fighting over Henry."
Allison chuckles. "They both want to play with Henry."
Kilian puts the plates in the sink. "I will get the lad and lass to stop fighting over Henry." He goes outside. "What is going on out here?"
"Dad! They both want me to play with them. What should I do?"
Killian kneels down to Hope. "Hope, let henry and Connor play, little love."
"Dada." She goes to her Daddy and hugs him.
"We can look at the bunnies." Hope babbles. Killian carried Hope to the bunnies. He holds a bunny and let Hope pet it. "You are being gentle little love."
"Bunny. That is right, little love. Bunny."
"Yes, you are petting the bunny, little love."
"Little cuz, do you want to go to the horses?" Connor leads Henry to the horses.
Emma was finishing up the dishes, Allison was making tea. "I had a call from Rosie this morning."
"What did Rosie say?"
"She found her long-lost sister through a DNA kit."
"That is awesome!"
"She wants us to meet her sister. By the end of the week."
"I am working most days this week, during the day. You can tell Rosie that we can meet in the evening."
"I can do that."
"Emma, Allison?"
The two women turned around. "Yes, Dad?"
"I was wondering, during holidays, I can come..."
"Dad, you can come to our houses."
"Emma and I started this tradition of our families celebrating the holidays together. We celebrate them at Emma and Kilian's house. Their house everyone is welcome."
"That is right. Allison and Connor sleep over at our house often. Dad, you are definitely joining us for holidays from now on. You are welcome to come over at our house anytime."
"I am going to visit my girls often." He hugs them both.
Allison hears Connor crying and goes outside. "Dad, you are welcome at my house anytime."
"When your Mom is back in America, she is going to be living with me."
"Dad, she almost tried to kill herself as we were all about to leave, by cutting her arm. Killian, Allison, Ted and Connor left for America. Hope and I stayed behind to stay with her while she recovered. She needed family with her. I didn't have a family growing up, I was not going to leave my Mom when she needed her family. I am happy to find her...I am so happy to find you, Dad." They hug. "I am so happy my two girls have found me."
Allison returns inside with Connor crying. "Dad, Connor got afraid when the horse screamed at him."
"Oh,no. Connor that means the horse was afraid of you. I know you did not do anything to the horse."
Connor reaches out for his grandpa. David hotels his grandson. "You're so cute, Connor." Connor babbles.
"Dad, I think Connor is telling you that you need to come home with us."
"Emma, I think you are right. Dad, please come to New York with us."
David smiles. 'I do have Kristoff, he is my second hand. He can watch the farm for me for a couple of days so I can spend a few days getting to know my daughters."
"Yes!!" Allison and Emma hug their Dad. The two families loaded the car. David loaded his truck.
Hope points at her grandpa. "Grandpa is coming home with us, little love."
"Emma, how long do you Dad will stay?"
"I do not know. I do want to get to know us."
"Me too."
"Killian, I can drive."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, honey. You were up early this morning."
"Emma, I can ride with Dad."
"Okay, connor can be with us."
"Of course. Dad and I will be right behind you too." Emma drove her family home to New York with a few rest stops for the babies. She parked her car in the driveway. David parked his trick on the sidewalk. Henry unbuckles Connor as Emma unbuckles Hope. "Hope, we are going to show Grandpa our house."
Emma holds Hope. "Henry, ow was the car ride for you?"
"It was good. These two were napping most of the time."
"I have a feeling they will be playing in the living room."
"Mama!" Connor goes to his Mommy.
Allison scooped her son into her arms. "Hi, little man. Did you have a fun car ride with your cousins and auntie Emma?"
"Auntie Emma is a good driver?" Connor babbles.
"Hi, Connor! I am in New York!" Connor clapped his hands.
"The little lad behaved in the car ride, Allison." The family enter the house.
"Dad, this house was Killian's grandparents. He owns the house." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are home, Hope."
"Swan, I was thinking I can make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner."
"That sounds delicious."
"Dad, can I help you cook?"
"Yes, son." Killian cooks dinner with his son. Hope and Connor were playing in the living room. Emma was doing a load of laundry. David and Allison were in the living room with the babies. "Allison, when I am going to meet your husband?"
"Ted? I don't know. I am mad at him for not coming with us. He always chooses work over me and Connor."
"You are an amazing mother, Allison. Connor loves you. You are a great doctor. If you need anything, I am right here." David hugs his daughter. Hope walks to the library room and grabs books a few fall around her and began crying. Emma and Killian hear Hope's crying and they rush to their daughter seeing her on the floor with books scattered around her. "Hope." She scooped her daughter into her arms and hugs her. "Did the books fall around you scare you?" Killian checks for injuries. "She is not injured, Emma. Hope you are okay, little love." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Dada."
Killian faces his daughter. "Dada is right here, little love. You are okay." He rubs Hope's cheek. "Were you here to get a book to read?"
Emma and Killian look at each other, their daughter's new word. "That is right, Hope. Book."
David and Allison see Hope crying. "Emma, is Hope okay?"
"She is not injured, Dad. She just wanted to read a book."
"Little niece, did you went in here to get a book?"
"Mommy, Dada."
Emma smiles. "Oh, you want Mommy and Daddy to read the book to you?" Hope babbles.
"Swan, I will find the book."
"You can help me choose the book." Killian takes Hope from Emma.
"Emma, I am going to help Henry cook dinner."
"Thank you, dad." David goes to the kitchen.
"Allison, are you okay?"
"I have not heard from Ted." Allison began crying. "I don't know what is going on. We have not been talking. I think I am going to lose him like I lost Robert."
Emma hugs her sister. "Hey, everything is going to be okay. Remember you have a family, me, Hope, Killian, Henry, and Dad. You and Connor are not alone." Connor walks to his Mommy and hugs his legs. "Mama."
Allison holds Connor. "I do not know what is going on with him. He has been so distant lately."
"If you need me to watch Connor. So you can talk to Ted alone?"
"You really can do that?"
"Yes!" She hugs her sister. "I am your sister. I want to help. I just have a feeling Ted is up to something."
"Thank you, Emma." Allison goes to her car and drives home.
Emma holds her nephew. "Mama will be back. You are with Auntie Em-em."
David enters the room. "Connor, how about you can help me and Henry cook spaghetti and metaballs?" He takes his grandson from his daughter. "Your mama will be back." He takes him to the kitchen to Henry. "Little cuz, you can help me cook." Connor babbles. "Oh, you want to be the taste tester. Okay." He holds his cousin. David began cooking sauce.
Emma sits down with Killian and Hope. "Emma, do you think Allison and Ted are okay?"
"I just have a bad feeling about Ted."
"Whatever it is, we are going to help her."
"Yes, we are. Hope, what book did you choose for storytime?" Hope shows her Mommy a book of DC superheroes of Wonderwoman, Batwoman, and Supergirl, My First Book Of Girl Power. Emma smiles big. 'That is a great book choice, Hope."
"Mama book!"
"I can read to you. Dada is staying with us." Emma opens the book, "Once upon a time, there are many female superheroes..."
Allison drives her car home. She opened the door and hears a woman screaming. "Yes!!" Allison goes upstairs to her bedroom finds her Ted having sex with another female in their bed.

To Be Continued...

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