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Hope was up most of the night wide awake while her parents were trying to sleep. "Looks like our little love is wide awake."
"Yes, she is not used to the time difference."
"Or our little love was happy that you met your Mom."
Emma smiles. "Maybe?" Killian takes Hope from where she was sitting in between her parents.
"Hope, are you happy Mommy met her Mommy?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you and I got to help Mommy meet her Mommy."
Emma takes Hope from her husband. "Yes, you said your first word, yesterday. Mommy and Dada are so proud of you, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses. Killian joins in and gave Hope kisses which made her laugh. Hope began to cry.
"Playtime is over for our little love."
"Hopey, we need to go night-night." Killian rubs Hope's head.
"Hope, I know we had a very busy day. We all need to rest so we can have a fun day tomorrow touring around Italy."
"Little duckling, I know we had a very exciting day because you were there when I met my Mommy, your grandma. You were there with me when I finally met her. I did not have her like I am holding you right now. I did not have that any love or care until I met your Dada." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I am so happy that you met my Mommy your grandma today. I know you like her so does Mommy. She is a lot like me. Even though we go through a hard time we are fighters. I know you re going to take after me and your Grandma."
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Aye, she strong just like her Mommy and her grandma. I see you in her, Emma. You and Allison get the stubbornness but strong strength from her, love." Hope fusses.
"Are you hungry sweetie?" She nurses Hope was was gripping her hand. "Your little hand is so cute."
"How are you feeling love? I knew it was a big day for you."
"It was a mix, I mean I was nervous then rejected by her again...after our time at the beach...I just knew Allison could not meet her alone. All I could think about meeting her no matter what and Hope needs t know where she comes from. As soon as she told us about her past...her past is similar to mine awful...I saw her in me.." She looks up at Killian. "Her life was like mine but worse she had a parent who raped her as a child and abused her..." Emma began to cry. "She was raped by her father who sent her to mother and baby home after she got pregnant with Allison from her boyfriend who was probably a better man than her father was..." Hope moves, she switches Hope to her other boob. "She hid her pregnancy with me wanting to raise me, not sure who the father...just hearing that I might be created by incest was a shock....then I felt relieved that I have the same father as Allison...Her father sent her to this convent as punishment because she had us out of wedlock...she does not deserve to be there, Killian. "
"I know you and Allison with Ted and my help, we are going to get your Mom out of the convent."
Allison enters the room. "Hi, big sis. Join us. We are awake, Hope is keeping us up."
Killian and Emma made room in their bed for Allison. "I cannot sleep. All I can think about our Mom's story."
"We are talking about it, too, Allison. I just cannot stop thinking about it." Emma burps Hope. "Hopey, look who is here. Auntie." Hope babbles. Allison gets Hope from her sister.
"Hi, Hope. Are you wide awake? You are not letting Mommy and Dada sleep?" She gave Hope a kiss on her cheek. Hope babbles and hugs her Auntie.
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife."Emma, we are going to help your Mom."
"I want her out of that convent."
"Emma, we are going to bring her back to America with us."
"She has not been out of that convent for almost 30 years, we have to teach her about technology, everything...The convent is like another isolated place for her, like a prison-like a mother and baby home she was put in twice..."
"Emma, we are going to teach her everything, love."
"Before we bring her home, we have to find our birth father."
"Emma, we are going to find him. We can reunite them."
"If he is not married..."
"They might be true love, Emma." Hope babbles. "Hope agrees with me." Hope pats Allison's face. "Yes, sweetie, we are going to help Grandma find her true love. We are going to see Grandma tomorrow." They hear Connor crying. Ted brings him into their room.
"Connor, Momma is with Hope, Auntie Emma, and Uncle Killian."
"Is he okay?"
"Yes, he just wants his Auntie Emma?" Connor fusses.
"He wants me?"
"Yes, Emma. Connor say it.."
"Em-Em..." Killian hugs his wife.
"Ted his new word."
"Yes, I told him you were with Emma and he said his new word."
Emma was in tears, her nephew's new word was her name. "Come here, Connor."
Connor crawls to her. "Em-Em."
"Hi, little man. Are you wide awake? You just want to play?" Connor babbles.
"Yes, you are with me, little man. Your Mama is with Hope."
Allison gave Connor a kiss. "Mama."
"Hi, Connor. Are you happy to be with Auntie Emma?" Connor babbles.
"Allison, Connor loves me right Connor?"
"He just knew when you held him that you were my little sister." Emma smiles. The family went back to bed. The next morning, they all got ready and had breakfast in a hotel near their hotel. Killian had Hope on his lap as Emma fed Hope her breakfast of baby food. He wipes Hope food spit-up. "Emma, she is spitting it out."
Emma chuckles. "Killian, it is normal."
"Emma is right, Killian. Connor does the exact same thing especially at the beginning of baby food." She spoonfeeds Connor his food who was in a high chair. Killian holds Hope as they ate breakfast. "Emma, how much sleep did Hope get?"
"She was up most of the night. I just know Hope will be sleeping most of our site seeing."
"Sis, she is still a baby she needs her rest. Connor got more sleep but I know he will sleep most of our site seeing today." Connor babbles. "Connor, are you excited to see the sites of Italy?" Connor smiles.
"Hope, you want Mommy? Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." Emma smiles and holds Hope on her chest. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hopey, you give the best hugs. You are staying with me." She faces Killian. "She is getting cranky already."
"Love, we just need to keep Hope happy." He rubs Hope's cheek which makes Hope smile. "There is my favorite little smile." Hope fusses. "Emma, I think Hope is still hungry." Emma nurses Hope and ate her breakfast. The family drove in their rental car to the convent, both babies were crying. Emma and Allison were doing their best to calm the babies down. Ted had to pull over so Killian can join the lasses to calm down. "Little love, Dada is here." He tried toys even his keys to calm down Hope but nothing worked.
Emma takes Hope out of her car seat. "Hopey, why are you crying?" Hope stops crying once she was lying on her Mommy's chest. "You cried for an hour because you wanted to snuggle with me?" Emma smiles. "I have the best little girl in the whole world." She gave Hope kisses. "Are you just confused because we are not in New York and confused in a new country? You just wanted to be with Mommy where you are familiar with?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are with Mommy, even if we are in a new country and place. You are not alone you have me, Dada, Auntie Allison, Uncle Ted and Connor, your family all together."
Connor was still crying. "Allison, let me try with Connor." Killian gets his nephew. "Hi, little lad. You can tell me why you are upset." Connor cried more. "You want to drive the car with your Daddy?" Connor babbles. "Aye, Ted. Connor wants you to teach him to drive." Killian hands over Connor to his Daddy. Connor babbles and stands on his Daddy's lap and he was playing with the steering wheel, Killian took pictures. Allison goes to the side seat so she can take pictures of Connor "driving." "Connor, are you driving the car?" Connor screams, making all of the adults laugh. "You are having so much fun." She tickles her son. "Ted, he is loving it."
Emma was nursing Hope who stopped crying, "Emma, how is our little duckling?"
"She stopped crying when I nursed her. I still think she is teething. Poor baby girl, your teeth are hurting your mouth." She gave Hope kisses on her head and looked at her sister and her family having fun in the front. "Connor is having fun."
Killian smiles. "Aye, I figured our little nephew needed to move around since we are going to be driving for a long time." Ted checks the time after Emma finished nursing Hope who was being out back in her car seat.
"Allison, our little driver needs to be back in his carseat." Allison takes Connor who began to cry.
"Connor, you can drive again soon." Allison puts Connor put back in his carseat. Ted continued driving.
Emma sees her sister struggling, she reaches over to the back seat to Connor and held his hand. "Connor...Connor..." Connor stopped crying. "Little man, do you want to drive the car? When we get to Grandma's, you can drive with your Dada." Connor smiles.
They arrived at the convent, Allison brings Connor over to her husband. "You can drive with Dada."
"Emma, I will stay here with Hope." Emma joined Allison her sister.
"Yes?" Emma hugs her sister.
"I am so happy that you are on this journey with me."
"If we have not met, I would have not have known about my adoption if I have not met you. Now we are sisters going to go site-seeing with our birth mother."
"Yes, let's go get her." They walked together and waited for their Mom. Mary-Margaret finds her girls."Hi, Emma. Hi, Allison."
"Mom." They hug their Mom.
"My two girls, how was your evening?"
"Let's just say the babies were awake most of the night, mostly Hope who is teething." They approach the car, they see Connor by the steering wheel. "Aw, Connor." Ted opened the window.
"Connor, are you driving the car?" Connor babbles and pats the horn.
"That is right, little man, beep-beep." Allison takes a picture of her two boys. They entered the car, Allison puts Connor in his car seat. "Mom, you can sit with Connor and I in the back." Mary-Margaret enters the car, "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Mary-Margaret."
"Killian, you and Ted can call me Mom."
"Aye, okay Mom. How are you?"
"I am happy. I heard from Emma that Hope had a rough night."
"Aye, our little lass is teething, but Emma got her to sleep after she nursed her before we came here."
Ted drove the family to their first tourist attraction to the city of Naples, the ride was a few hours. Hope woke up. "Hi, baby girl. We are with Grandma."
"Hi, Hope." She rubs Hope's foot. "You are so pretty like your Mommy."
Emma smiles. Hope began to cry. " is okay..shh...shh..."
Connor fusses. "Mom, Connor wants you."
Emma lets Hope hold her finger. "Mommy is right here. Everything is okay." She sniffs Hope. "Killian, she is going to need a diaper change before we start site seeing."
"Aye, I will change her." He rubs Hope's head. "Little love, you are going to go on your first site seeing in a new country of many, little love. With your Mommy and Dada working on airplanes, you will see the world, Hope." Hope smiles.
"She is our little traveler."
"Aye, our little traveler indeed." Hope was looking up at her parents' babbling. Emma kisses Hope on the head.
When they arrived, Ted got out the stroller, "Emma, we have a stroller for both babies."
"Thanks, Allison." Killian changes Hope's diaper. Emma puts Hope in the stroller and took a picture of the two cousins together. Connor and Hope began to babble.
"Allison, I can push the stroller."
"Uhm...Mom, Ted and Killian can push the stroller while you, Emma and I talk."
Emma and Allison gave each other the same look, they are just getting to know their long lost mother and being cooped in a convent for 28 years, who knows what she would do, they trust their husbands' with their babies. Emma goes to her husband. "Killian, do you have the diaper bag?"
"Yes, love. Why..."
"Allison and I are still getting to know our long lost Mom. We do not know about her mental state..."
"I get it, Emma. Ted and I will watch the babies while you and your sister spend time with your Mom while we site seeing."
"Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek. Emma found a map and lead her family to the sites to different old fashion buildings, churches, and towns while talking to her Mom and sister. Emma and Allison found out they had a lot more in common with their Mom. She kept looking at her side, seeing Killian pushing the stroller with the two babies. At every site, they will take family pictures of the Swan-Jones family, the Cameron family, Emma, and Allison and their Mom and the whole family was taken by other tourists. Emma and Killian would take selfies with Hope, and with her Mom and sister. Hope and Connor both began to cry. They found a spot for Emma and Allison to sit, to feed their babies. "Killian, it is definitely Hope's lunchtime." She puts her cover on and nurses Hope. "You love to eat, baby."
Allison spoonfed Connor his meal, of baby food of butternut squash. "Emma, I have extra babyfood for Hope."
"Thanks, sis. We should try it but I am pretty sure Hope just wants the boob for now."
"Does nursing hurt, Emma?"
"Oh, yes and no. It hurts when I first started but I got used to it. Since she is starting growing teeth, it will be more painful." Killian passes the burp towel when Emma was finished nursing Hope and burps her. "Are you full Hopey?" Hope fusses. "Killian, can you pass me the carrier?" Killian helps his wife put it on. She places Hope on her carrier. Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can site seeing with me, Hope."
"That means I can sit with my two loves." Emma smiles.
"Allison, is feeding baby food to Connor is easier than nursing him?"
Allison smiles, "Nursing is painful but worth it. Spoonfeeding him is harder because the food does not always go in his mouth. Want to feed him?"
"Yes." Mary Margaret takes the baby food and spoonfeeds Connor. Ted takes a picture of his mother in law spoon-feeding his son. "Yummy?" Connor babbles.
Emma looked exhausted, she lies on Killian's shoulder. "You can rest of me, love." He kisses Emma on her blonde head and kept Hope in place. Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope. Mommy is sleeping."
"Allison, Killian is so sweet to Emma."
"Oh yes, this happens a lot. Killian is always there for Emma and Hope. He takes care of Emma, she was alone most of her life. She did not have a home until she met Killian."
"Connor, are you full?" She cleans his face and burps Connor. "Thank you, Mom, for feeding him."
"Your welcome." She faces Hope. "Hi, Hope. Is Mommy sleeping?" Hope babbles. She rubs Hope's cheek who began to cry. Emma wakes up.
"Swan, Hope needs her diaper change."
"Right, I will find a bathroom." Emma gets the diaper bag and found a public restroom. Allison follows her sister.
"Killian, is my daughter alright?"
"Yes she is very tired. With Hope's teething and jet lag, she has not been getting much sleep. Emma is still surprised that she met you finally. Ted, after the lasses come back, we can get lunch."
"I found a little cafe shop. I can grab us a table. Mom, come with me."
"Okay!" Ted pushes the stroller, Killian waited outside for the lasses. Emma found a diaper changing station for Hope, she places the changing mat and puts Hope on top and changes her diaper.
"You are all clean, baby girl." She rubs Hope's belly and Hope began to cry. She gets her daughter who stopped crying by being held. "You just want to be with Mommy?" She kisses Hope on the head. "I do not know how I am supposed to be with my Mom, Hope. I never had a mother and we just met her yesterday...she is a stranger. I do not do well with strangers." Hope babbles. "Yes, when I met Daddy he was stranger but I had a lot of trust issues when I met him but he waited for me and cared for me and gave me a home. I do not know about your grandma, Hope. This is a lot for me to handle." Allison heard Emma's conversation.
"I heard your conversation with Hope. I am feeling the same way about meeting our Mom and how she is a stranger. I get that, we do not know her, or how her mental state is being in that convent for 28 years and about her past..."
"You were thinking the same as me when she offered to push the stroller."
"Yes, I feel more comfortable with our husbands' with the stroller with our babies."
"This is all new tome, having a biological parent in my life...I was never good with strangers in my past not until Killian came into my life." She rubs Hope's head who was babbling to Connor.
Allison wrapped her arm around her sister. "You have me, Emma who is going through the same thing of adapting to a biological Mom in our life. You have me, Killian and Ted watching the babies and our Mom."
"You are right." She leans her head against her sister. "You always know how to cheer me up."
"That is my job as your big sister." They laughed.
"Hi, Connor. Are you having fun site seeing?" He grabbed his aunt's hair. "Connor."
"Sorry, Emma."
"That is okay. I am used to it by now." She untangles Connor's hand. She gave Connor kisses on the cheek.
"Emma, Connor and I will be right out." Emma finds Killian.
"There are my two loves." They kiss. "Are you okay?"
"I do not know how to feel being around my mom. She is a complete stranger to me."
"I know this was going to be hard for you, Emma because you had strangers in your whole life raising you or being abused."
"I do not even trust her pushing the stroller.... Allison felt the same too. We do not trust her yet."
"Emma, you just met your Mom yesterday. What you feeling is normal love. You have to get to know her before trusting her..."
"I always thought that when I was going to meet my mom, I will trust her right away but...I do not know. I already promised her that I will find my Dad...what am I doing?" Emma began to cry.
Killian hugs his wife knowing she was very overwhelmed and knew that this was going to happen on their trip. He leads Emma to a spot and sat down next to her and rubs her back. "It is okay, love. Everything is okay. You have me, Allison and Ted, on your side, just like you get to know your Mom who is a complete stranger to us all. We are all being overprotective with our children around her since we do not know her yet. I know in time you will gain your Mom's trust and have a mother-daughter relationship."
"I just know that it won't be close as Hope and I. Hopey, you love Mommy right?"
'Yes, Mommy will always be there for you Hope. When you get bigger, I will do your hair and your nails."
"Aye, I can imagine all of that already."
"I just know that my mom and I relationship will not be the same at all as Hope and I because she did not raise me..." Killian hugs his wife.
"You are not alone, anymore Emma. You have Hope and I. I love you so much, you are my true love." Hope babbles. "Aye. Hope loves you so much because you are the best Mommy ever."
"Hope did help us meet my long lost sister and we found out the truth part of my adoption..." Hope fusses around. Emma takes Hope out of her carrier and lets Hope sit on her lap. "I love Allison. I just knew right away to trust her but with my birth Mom...I do not have that."
Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, you probably have trust issues since she was the one who first..."
"I do not know. I did not have issues opening up to her yesterday...I do not know if this what I am feeling about trust or my walls are going up or the no sleep I have been having..."
Hope began to cry. "Mommy." Emma hugs her daughter.
"You are okay, sweetie. Mommy is just talking to Daddy because Mommy is confused about grandma." She rubs Hope's back to calm Hope down.
"Emma, how did you trust me?"
Emma smiles. "You never stopped wanting to talk to me until you got me to talk to you, noticed my favorite drink, and made me feel like I have not been my whole life invisible and alone. You listened to my story without interrupting and me You quickly offered me a home, a first home I felt safe and happy in. For the first time in my life...someone noticed me and cared for me."
"You were and still are the most beautiful lass in the whole entire world once I laid my eyes on you in flight school. After yesterday, I knew this trip was going to be hard for you, swan. I am here for you. I am not leaving your side." She leans her head on his shoulder. He kisses her on the head.
"Yesterday was one of the most rollercoasters of emotions of my life...I mean she did not want to see me...maybe that is why it is hard for me to trust her."
"Aye, I know the feeling, Emma. You have me, to talk to and your sister. We all are watching the babies." Hope reaches for her daddy's face.
"Killian, someone wants her Daddy." Killian holds Hope.
"Little love, do you want to find Connor and play?" Hope babbles. "Emma, Ted got us a spot in a cafe"
"That is great, I am starving." Killian leads his family to eh cafe, Allison was sitting next to Connor.
"Emma." She hugs her sister. "I was getting worried."
"I had to talk to Killian about it...
"Are you feeling better?"
"Kind of."
Allison holds her sister's hand. "If you need to talk you can talk to me." They hug. Hope babbles.
"Allison, Hope wants to play with Connor."
"You are sitting next to me and Connor than. I did save you a seat." Emma smiles as she and Hope sat down next to Connor and Allison. Connor and Hope babbles and held onto each other.
"Emma, Allison. Are they always this close?"
"Yes, Mom. These two love each other."
"Emma, he wants his auntie."
"Come here, little man." Conor stands on Emma's lap and babbling away to Hope making Emma laugh. Killian and Ted took pictures. "Allison, your son and my daughter have been competing for my attention since I first held Connor." The two sisters laugh.
"Swan, Connor just knew from the moment he was born that you were his Mommy's sister."
"Connor knew way before us." Allison and Emma both laugh. Hope babbled and tried stand up like Connor. "Hope, you will stand up like Connor soon, baby duckling." She kisses Hope on the head as Connor was tugging her hair.
"Connor, Auntie Emma is not a playtoy. You have to be soft. " Allison gets Connor from her sister. "Emma, I am sorry."
"It is alright."
"Em-Em." She rubs Connor's cheek. You never stopped wanting to talk to me until you got me to talk to you, noticed my favorite drink, and made me feel like I have not been my whole life invisible and alone. You listened to my story without interrupting and me family ordered their meal, Emma shared her brunch with Hope. "Emma, Hope likes bananas."
"Yes, I just smashed them up and she was stealing from my plate anyways. She is eating some of my meal. Mom, how is your meal?"
"I love pancakes. I see you and Allison have cinnamon hot cocoa."
"Yes, we both found out that we love the same drink. We get that from you." The two sisters and mom smile. Killian was happy seeing his wife opening up to her birth mom even though it is hard for her to open up. After the family ate lunch, Emma and Allison changed diapers and fed the babies before continued site seeing. Emma placed Hope in her carrier, Allison did the same with Connor. They continued site seeing in Naples, talked to each other, Emma and Allison were talking as Ted was talking to his mother-in-law. Emma felt a tug of a man, she felt unsafe. "Back off." Emma flipped the man's wrist, seeing a tall man with messy gray hair and matching unshaved beard with blue eyes and with a cane. "Cameron, you have changed."
"Let go of my wife, right now." Killian faces the man in anger. He let go of Emma, Hope was crying.
"Allison!" Allison came rushing and sees her former boss in shock coming back from the dead.
"Oh, my gosh....House?! Gregory House?!"
"Wait there are two of you..."
Emma was comforting her daughter."Allison, you know this man?"
"Yes, he is the crazy genius doctor that I used to work for in New Jersey. I went to his wake..." Connor woke up crying. "Allison, I got him." Ted gets his son from his wife and bounced him up and down. "This is House?"
"Ted, Yes, the one and only House. Who apparently faked his own death. Remember when you picked me up from the funeral in New Jersey since I had bad morning sickness."
"Oh yes, the funeral for House. How I can't forget the man who changed your ex-husband into him."
"Yes, that is correct."
House was still confused. "Cameron...there are two Camerons?"
"House, this is my long lost sister Emma. Emma, Killian, this is my former crazy boss from Plainsborough New Jersey, Gregory House. Everyone called him House."
"How there are two of you?"
"Wait you should be answering my question! Why did you fake your own death? Tell me the truth."
"Allison, I can make sure he tells the truth, I can tell when someone is lying."
"This Cameron 2 is the opposite of you, Cameron."
"If you do not tell Allison the truth, I will gladly hurt your other wrist and have my husband will kick you in the nuts. Give my sister the truth."
"Your fake death shocked my wife when she was pregnant with our son. Tell her the truth." Killian was holding Hope and was ready to punch him.
"Cameron 1, Wilson's cancer relapsed. I was helping him with chemotherapy. He was the only one who knew I was alive after he came from my funeral."
"He was there, I remember because our old team and the rest of your teams after us were there. Why did you fake your death?"
"I wanted to travel around the country with Wilson as his cancer was progressing and treatment was not working for him. So we traveled around freely without responsibilities until Wilson died. He died a few months ago. Since he died, I have been traveling around the world ever since. Now why there are two of you?"
"After I gave birth to my son, Emma was my hospital roommate and we looked exactly alike and found out we live in the same area and have so much in common. We became best friends. After my niece's birth who I helped deliver."
"Allison, you did delivered Hope."
"Yes, then my Mom came down to New York telling me that I was adopted at birth and Emma was my full biological sibling who my adopted parents kept a secret of it all my adoption and about my sister."
"I know you were broken back then. Now I know why."
Emma was mad. "House, you are wrong. My sister is not broken, she is a kind caring person who just found her birth mother with her real family on her side. She has her family who loves her and cherishes her. She is not broken, House."
"I do like your spunk Cameron 2."
"Oh yeah?"Emma punches House in the jawline. Killian was impressed by his wife's punch. "That what you get for faking your own death and scaring the crap out of my sister." Both babies began to cry.
Allison faces House, "You are still an ass, now. I am glad that I moved to New York. Ted, give me our son." Allison calms down Connor as Emma calmed down Hope and walked away fro House. "Mommy is done screaming at that crazy man. I had to defend Auntie Allison. Your auntie Allison and Mommy always fight for each other. That what family does, sweetie."
Ted was hugging Allison concerned for her mental state. "Allison..."
"Let's go back to the car."
"Emma, Killian and Mom, we are going back to the car."
"Aye, that is a good idea. We have a long drive back." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves being very proud of his wife."Swan, I have never seen you punch somebody."
Emma smiles. "Well, I had to learn to defend myself in the streets after I learned to fight for myself."
"Emma, you defended me?"
"Yes, you are my sister. I hate him calling you broken, which you are not. The man faked his own death for crying out loud." Allison gave Emma a hug.
Mary Margaret approached her daughters and hugs them both. "I love seeing my two girls fighting for each other."
"Mom, the look on Allison's face showed me like she was seeing a ghost from her past. Let's just say I can fight for those who I love."
"You and I always fight for each other." Hope and Connor babble.
"Little man and Hopey, are you two going to play all night in the hotel like last night?" They babbled back at her making her laugh.
"Emma, you need to sleep they can have their playtime at night session in my room."
"Thanks, Allison on your offer."
Killian drove the family back since Ted was comforting Allison being in shock that her former boss who faked his own death is alive. Hope was fast asleep in her car seat holding onto her Mommy's finger. "Emma, she is perfect, little sweetie."
Emma smiles. "My daughter is so cute and I love her so much. She is my mini-me."
"You are a great mother to her, Emma."
"Thank you. I am still learning as I am going. I always wanted to be a mom, the only way to have my own family. I promised myself that I will be nothing like the foster parents did to me, abuse, neglect and starved me...I did not want to have children until I have a good husband and a job. At the beginning, I had no idea what I was doing, I had no parents growing up mostly on my own for survival. Killian came into my life and changed my world for the better. Allison helped me during my pregnancy taught me how to change diapers and outfits from Connor after we met. I am giving Hope everything that I did not have as a child love, care, a home, and two parents." She looks back at her sister who was fast asleep. "I would not have my best friend and sister if I did not go into early labor with Hope." She rubs Hope's hand. "She delivered Hope, saved Hope's life when Hope stopped breathing and she encouraged me to find you." Mary Margaret held her daughter's hand. "I knew since was pregnant with Hope, I knew I needed to find you but finding out part of the truth from Allison's adopted Mom made me wanting to find you more."
"Now you are both here with me."
"Yes, we are. Allison always defended me and stood up for me when I needed her. I did the same for her today seeing her past. I helped her faced her past which was easy. Killian has helped me face my past...if he did not offer that cinnamon hot cocoa and not listen to me...I would not have this life now, with him, Hope and Allison or on this journey to find you. I will still be living on the streets and alone. Allison and I were meant to find each other, our children are very close, I have a special relationship with Connor and Allison has a special relationship with Hope. We were meant to find each other." Hope wake up. "Hi, baby girl. Did you hear me talking to grandma?" Hope fusses. She gave Hope her pacifier.
"Emma, I noticed you were distant from me earlier..."
"Oh, really?" She looked down at Hope avoiding eye contact with her Mom. "Maybe I was?"
"I know this is new to you."
"Yes, it is. Meeting my birth mother, who rejected me twice in my life, Killian broke my walls down...I have a lot of trust issues. I am still getting used to have..."
"A mother?"
Emma nods her head. "Or having a parent in general, I had to defend myself all of my life in the system and on the streets. I had to hide being homeless. Killian found out when we were snowed in flight school and learned about my past. He took me into his home and noticed me. He gave me a home and a family..." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, you changed my whole life around."
Emma smiles. "Yes, you have changed my life for the better." They smile at each other.
"Emma, I just want to get to know my daughters and build a relationship with you and Allison. I did not expect to be extremely close right away." She gently uses her hand to face her daughter to her. "I want a relationship with you, Emma. My little girl who I wanted to keep..I wanted to keep you we are together."
"Mom, I can help you find our Dad. Do you want to move back to the United States?"
"I do not know."
"You do not belong in that convent it was another home for you like the mother and baby home. You can live in New York with us. If you live nearby us, you can visit the babies."
"Emma, I will think about it."
"How about Allison and I can find our birth dad first and reunite you with him...maybe living with him and visit us from time to time. Allison and I live in the same neighborhood. We see each other all the time."
"I do like that, all of it." Hope fusses and sput out her paci. Mary-Margaret put the pacifier back into Hope's mouth making Hope cry more.
"Mom, stop. You are just making Hope mad." She takes the pacifier out and rubs Hope's hands. "Hopey, you are okay...shh...shh...Mommy will feed you soon, sweetie. I know you want out of your car seat. We are driving for a long time." Hope slowly stopped crying and hugs her Mommy's face. "You give the best hugs, Hopey." She gave her kisses on her cheek making Hope smile.
"Emma, I am sorry."
"It is okay, Mom. You are still getting to know her and all of us." Hope babbled."You just want me to talk to you?" Emma took out a book from her diaper bag. "Look what Mommy brought? The Ugly Duckling book from our home library." Hope kicks her legs in excitement. "Yes, I will read it to you." Hope screams, Emma laughs enjoying seeing her daughter excited.
"Mom, we have a library in our house. Killian made me a library room in our house when I moved in with him around the time we began dating."
"Emma, I build that room right before you moved into my room after we officially became a couple."
Emma smiles. "That is right. Now our library is at home is for our whole family to use."
"Where do you get the books for your library?"
"Oh, I buy them at Barnes and Noble in Manhattan. I take Hope to Barnes and Noble and to our local library. Sometimes, I check out our neighbor's garage sale for good books. If it something that interests me, I will buy it. I love reading books. I am always reading books to Hope."
"I know my little granddaughter loves books just like her Mommy." Emma smiles. Hope babbles.
"Our little lass wants you to read to her."
Emma chuckles. "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy duck and Daddy duck..." Connor babbles. "You can listen to the story, Connor." She rubs Connor's hand. Hope babbles. "I will continue the story, Hope. The littlest duckling...." Killian was smiling seeing his wife reading to the babies. When Emma finished reading Hope began to cry. "Hope, I will read to you and Connor again." Hope babbles. "Once upon a time..." Hope stopped crying and grabs the book. "Hey. Hopey, I was reading that." Hope babbles. Killian and Emma both laugh. "You want to look at the pictures?" Connor babbles. "Killian, do we have another book for Connor to hold? The other books I brought are in my luggage bag."
"Aye, there is a book in your sister's diaper bag." Emma gets the book from her sister's diaper bag and gave the book to her nephew. "Connor, you can read about trains." Connor grabs the book, he just wanted to hold the book. Emma giggles. "My two little readers."
Connor pats Allison. "Mama."
"Connor, your Mama is sleeping, little man." Allison wakes up seeing Connor holding a book.
"Connor, is Auntie Emma reading a book to you?"
"Allison, he wants you to read to him, that is why he woke you up after I gave him the book."
"Awe, Connor, I will read to you." She gave him kisses on his cheek and gets the book from him. "The little train..." Hope babbles.
"Hopey, you want me to read to you?" Hope babbles. Emma giggles. "I will read to you, Hope." Emma gets the book from her daughter, who gripping her hear. "Hopey, when you are a little bigger I will teach you how to do your hair." Hope smiles. Emma reads to Hope The Ugly Duckling until Hope fell back to sleep.
"Emma, you did not have me but you are an amazing parent to Hope. I can see it how you are always there for her and for Connor, the babies adore you."
Emma smiles. "Being in the foster system and on the run taught me to be kind to others, help others in need and you get help return back. Killian helped me get off the streets and we always are there for each other and open. I always wanted a home where anyone can come over to a safe place."
"Emma is right, Connor and I are mostly over at her house when we have sleepovers and babies have playdates."
"I go over to your house too, big sis."
Allison chuckles. "I am mostly over at your house, little sis." They both laughed. "Mom, please come to America with us? Or whenever you are ready."
"While you were sleeping, Emma and I talked. After you two find your father, I am feeling that I can go home with him...maybe we can move to upstate New York so we can visit our daughters and grandchildren on the weekends."
"Mom, we would like that. We are going to find our Dad."
"We are going to find him, Mom." Killian arrived at the convent, they had a bathroom break and changed and fed the babies who were very hungry. Connor was crawling around in his grandma's room. Hope was being fed and played with Connor afterward.
"Emma, how long is the rest of the car ride?"
"If there is no traffic, three hours. Thanks for letting the babies play in here."
"Your welcome. My two grandchildren need to crawl around and play after a long car ride." Emma and Allison were talking and laughing with their mom. It was for them to return back to the hotel. Mary-Margret walked them to their car. She hugs Killian and Ted. "You two keep my daughters and grandbabies safe."
"Aye, we will."
Allison hugs her Mom first. "Mom, we will visit you again soon."
"Yes, please visit again."
"We are here until Saturday." They hug.
"Allison, my turn to hug our Mom." Emma hugs her Mom."Mom, we are going to come back in a few days."
"Yes, I have to do some work tomorrow but you are all can come back."
"We will." She hugs her Mom. They went back into the car, Ted drove them back to the town they were staying in. They went out for dinner in a local pizzeria. Emma and Allison talked about what happened and laughing with their husbands while their babies were babbling away. Emma was enjoying this making memory with her family. Killian held her hand knowing they were enjoying their vacation with their family. They kiss.

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