Adoption Day

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It was Henry's adoption day, the Swan-Jones family was in family court in Queens, Emma wearing blue maternity dress, and Killian wearing suit sitting with Henry who was wearing dress shirt and dress pants in the middle. Hope who was wearing a Minnie Mouse pattern dress was sitting behind them on her Auntie Allison's lap. They were sitting next to Joe who had Connor on his lap. Mary Margaret and David were on Allison's other side behind their other daughter. Emma and Killian filled in the forms.

Hope was crying wanting to be with her Mama and Henry. "Mama, He-wy."

"Judge? Can my baby sister sit with me?"

The judge smiles big. "Yes, she can."

Allison hands over Hope to Henry. "He-wy!"

"You can sit with us, baby sis." He carried his sister to his seat in between their parents. Killian sets Hope on his lap. "Say hi to the judge."

Hope sees the judge. "Hi."

"Hello, there. Are you ready to have Henry to be your brother?"

"Yes!!" Emma and Killian both smile and chuckle at their daughter. One of the guards brings the papers to the judge. "Do you Emma and Killian promise to love and care for this child?"


"Yes, we promise."

"I declare, Henry as Henry Killian Swan-Jones." Everyone in the court room cheered. Hope was clapping her hand as her parents were hugging her new big brother.

Emma was crying, Henry is her son officially, not part of the foster system anymore. She kissed her son on the head. Henry hugged his Mom. "You are my Mom."

"Yes, you are officially part of the Swan-Jones family." Ian kicks. Emma rubs her baby belly.

"Swan? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am okay." The family of four almost five did a family photo with the judge.

Connor runs up to Henry. "He-wy!!"

"Hi,Connor! I am your big cousin." He holds his cousin. Connor hugs Henry.

"Allison, Mom, Dad join for photos." Allison and her parents' joined in photos.


"Joe, join us!" Joe joined in for photos.

"Mama." Killian hands over Hope to Emma and holds Henry. Allison took the family photo on Emma's iPhone.

The family went out of the court house. David was carrying Hope as Killian was helping Emma down the steep steps for being 8 months pregnant. Allison was carrying Connor. Both babies were crying. "Momma."

"We are going to get something to eat."

"Aye, we have a reservation in different part of Queens." He takes Hope from his father in law at the end of the steps. "Are you hungry?"


"We are going to get something to eat." He faced his wife. "I am going to fetch our car. I will be right back."

"Dad, can I go with you?"

"Yes, son." The father and son went to the car with Hope. David went to his daughter's car.

"Henry is officially apart of our family." Allison hugged her sister. "How are you feeling?"

"Huge and tired. This little guy loves moving at night and waking me up."


"Hi, little man." She kissed her nephew on the cheek.

"Emma, thank you for inviting me."

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