Ian Is Home

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Killian was driving his swan and their newborn son at home. Emma was sitting in the back with Ian who was wearing a light blue onesie, Hello I am new here and a matching hat. "We are going home, baby boy."

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yes, fast asleep."

Killian parked their car in the drive and sees Henry playing catch with Joe with baseball and mitt as Hope playing with Connor in the front yard.

Emma takes Ian out of his car seat. "Your brother and sister are outside playing. We are home baby boy."

Allison sees her sister and opens the door. "Emma!"

"Hi, Allison." She helped her sister and nephew out of the car.

"Hi, little Ian. He is so cute."

"Yes, cute and loves to eat." Killian unloads the car. The two sisters. walk to the front yard.

"How are you feeling?"

"Morning sickness sicks. I am happy to be here when you arrive home with my new nephew."

Hope sees her Mama. "Mama!!"

Emma kneeled down with her newborn son in her arms. "Hi, baby girl."

Hope began crying. "Mama...Mama..."

Killian takes Ian from Emma. "Dad!"

"Hi, son."

"Hi, baby bro. Can I hold him?"

"Yes." He sets Ian in his son's arms.

She holds her daughter. "Hopey, why are you crying? You are my baby girl."


"You are my baby girl. We are going to have a lot of girl time."

"Boys, too."

Emma tries not to laugh, like Killian and Allison were. "Too many boys? You want Auntie Allison to have a baby girl cousin for you to play with?"

"Yes!" Emma laughs giving her sister a look.

Allison and Joe looked at each other. She faced her niece. "Hope, I will tell you first if the baby is a girl. You can play with me and your mama. Okay?" She rubs her niece's cheek.

Connor goes to his Momma. "Momma! Ian."

Allison hold her son."Yes, Ian is here."

The family went inside. "Ian, this is our home. Your bedroom is already for you. We all have our own bedroom each."

"For a little while, your brother will be staying with your Mom and me in our room."

They went to he living room. Killian photos of Henry holding Ian as Emma was snuggling with Hope. "He is still sleeping in my arms."

"He knows he is safe in his big brother's arms." Henry smiles. He takes a photo of his two sons.


"Yes, baby Ian."

"Ian, I am going to let you play with my legos when you are older. We can read comics and watch movies and play videogames." He kissed his baby brother on the head.


"Yes, Connor?" Connor gives his Uncle Killian a big hug. "Thank you for the big hug."

Allison smiles, she cannot waito meet her baby on the way. Joe was thrilled when she told him that she is pregnant with their child. "Joe, do you want to hold him after Henry?"

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