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A few days later, both Emma and Hope were healthy to go home from the hospital. Killian packed Emma's hospital bag while Emma changed Hope into a gray onesie saying, "Hello, I'm New Here." "Hope, you are all dressed up to go back home." She kisses Hope on her cheeks which made Hope smile. "Hope, you are my happy little girl."
"Love, are you ready to go home?"
"Yes, I am. Hope is ready to go home." A nurse came in with a wheelchair and helped Emma. Killian held Hope. "Hope, we are going back home little love. You will love your bedroom. Daddy and Mommy worked on it so hard all just for you little lass." He kisses Hope on the cheeks.
"Killian, I can hold Hope."
Killian smiled. "Of course love." He hands over their daughter to his wife. " Here is your mommy little love." The nurse pushed Emma and Hope with Killian walking right beside them. He looks at his wife smiling and looking at their sleeping daughter. He went to get their car and loaded the car with their bags. When he arrived back, Killian got Hope from Emma's arms and placed her in her car seat an buckled in. He helped his wife into their car and she sat next to Hope. He got into the driver's seat and looked at his wife and daughter. "Emma, are you ready to go home?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, Hope and I are both ready to go home." Killian drove them home. Emma looked at their daughter. Hope woke up. "Hi, Hope. We are going back home." She let Hope grabbed her finger. "You have strong grip sweetie." She kisses Hope small hand. She kissed Hope on the head and her hands. Hope gurgles which made Emma smile and Killian smile at his two loves. Emma loved playing with their three -day -old daughter. "You and I are going to have so much fun together." Hope looks at her Mommy. "Yes, my little buttercup. You and I are going to have fun. Mommy and Hope time." Hope gurgles. She gently kissed Hope on the cheek.
"Emma, we back home love."
"Hope, we are home, sweetie." Emma unbuckled Hope from her car seat. Killian opened the door for his two loves and got their bags.
"Love, I can hold her."
"Killian, you got your hands full. I can hold her. I want to bring Hope inside to her home." She kisses Hope on the head as she held Hope in her arms. He helped his wife and daughter out of their car. He opened their front door. "Killian, are you ready to be a daddy?"
"Aye, I am. Are you ready to be a mommy?"
"Yes, I am. We are in this together."
"Yes, we are love." They kiss.
"Hope, this is your home where you are going to grow up in. We have everything ready for you." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry baby? Mommy will feed you." Emma takes up Hope to her nursery. "Hope, Daddy and I made this bedroom just for you sweetie." Emma sat down in her glider rocking chair with Hope.
"Love, do you need a hand?"
"Yes. Can you pass me a burp towel?"
"Aye." He hands her a burp towel. Hope latched onto Emma and ate and stopped crying. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter.
"I cannot believe that we made her and she is here."
"I know love. She is finally with us. You are doing amazing with her love. She loves her mommy."
"She also loves her Daddy." They kiss. Hope looked up at her parents. They both smiled at their daughter. "Hope, you want a kiss too?" They both give her a kiss too. After Hope was fed and burped Killian placed Hope in her crib. They both watched their daughter sleep in her crib for the very first time for a few minutes before going to their room. "We need to let her sleep."
"You need to sleep too, swan."
"I know. I have to book Hope's first appointment with her pediatrician and take a shower."
"Love, get some sleep. I can call to schedule the appointment."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course love, just give me the number."
"Sure." She writes down the pediatrician office on a piece of paper and hands it to her husband. "Just make sure that her appointment is tomorrow or the next day."
"Aye. I will love. I can book Hope's appointment love. You need to rest when she is sleeping."
"What would I do without you." They kiss. Emma takes a very needed shower dressed in a plain tee shirt and leggings and goes to sleep in her comfy comforter. Killian makes Hope's appointment for Hope's first visit to her pediatrician and runs a load of laundry most of his and Emma's clothes. He had the baby monitor to check on Hope and to let him know when Hope needs him so he can let Emma get the sleep she needs. He cooked an easy meal to make, lasagna for him and Emma to eat. He checks on Hope on the monitor and sees her crying. He goes upstairs to see Hope crying in her crib. "Hope, Daddy is here. Daddy got you, little love." He takes Hope from her crib and checks her diaper. "Daddy will change you, little love." Killian changed Hope's diaper with her crying. "Little love, Daddy is changing your diaper that is all." After he changed her Killian held Hope in his arms and walked with her around the room. "Little lass, as soon as your mommy found out you were a lass, she took her time finding the right paint colors to paint your room. There were so many colors to choose from, Hope. Daddy painted your room in two days. Your mommy, on the other hand, chose your crib, your rug, your changing table, and rocking chair. She wanted your room to be perfect for you even when you were growing in her tummy little love that is how much your mommy loves you, Hope." Hope looked up at her Daddy with matching blue eyes. "Daddy love you little Hope. I love you so much, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and Hope gurgles at him that makes him smile. "Aye, little love. I know you love me too." He sits on the rocking chair with his daughter in his arms. "When I was a young lad. I grew up in this house with my brother Liam. He passed away in a car accident a few years ago, Hope. My grandparents raised us when our father left us for his own selfish reasons. Before the social services took Liam and me, our grandparents, your great-grandparents let us move in here. I never left. I had this room as a boy. Then when your Mommy moved in she had this room for a little while. Now you are going to grow up in here. This is your room now, Hope. Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Hope. We are so happy you are here that made us a family." He kisses Hope on the head and Hope placed her hand on her Daddy's face which made him smile. "Aye, I love you, Hope." Killian did not know but Emma heard their whole conversation since she was woken up by Hope's crying and before she got up Killian was attending their daughter's need. She was very grateful for her amazing husband to let her sleep longer since they will be both up all night with their daughter. She knew Killian is enjoying his time with their little girl and she is loving how much he is enjoying time with Hope, a very caring Daddy. Killian rocked Hope back to sleep. He gently kissed her on the head and placed her in her crib. Killian went downstairs to clean up and check on dinner. An hour later, Hope woke up crying. Emma knew Hope was hungry because her breast was in pain a sign of Hope needing to be fed. "Hope, Mommy is coming sweetie." She takes Hope out of her crib. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy is going to feed you sweetie...shh...shhh." Emma got a burp towel and took Hope to her room to be fed. Hope latched on quickly. "Hope, you will be spending a lot of time in here with Mommy sweetie. You were born on my bed. You could not wait any longer to meet Mommy and Daddy." She rubs Hope's blonde little head. "You get your blonde hair from me, sweetie. I do not know who I get my blonde hair from but I will find out. I want to find out who my family is since you were born and finding out Auntie Allison is my biological sibling. I am more tempted to find out about our past. When I was your age, I did not have the same mommy Hope. I was in many foster families and they were mean. On the day when I found out I was going to be your mommy Hope, it was the best moment of my life. I was so happy Hope. I want you to have everything that I did not have Hope, a home, family and most important love. I love you so much already, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and watched Hope as she ate from her.
Killian brought up Emma her lunch. "Love, I made lasagna. I know that you need to eat a lot especially when you are breastfeeding." He places tray by his wife.
Emma smiled. "Thank you."
"Your welcome. How is the little lass?"
"She is eating away. She is becoming a good eater already." Emma burped Hope after she was done eating.
"Love, I will hold her while you eat love." Killian takes Hope from his wife and held his daughter in his arms. Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy is right next to Daddy, little love. Mommy has to eat too." Emma ate her meal, the longer Hope was not with Emma, Hope cried louder.
"Killian, Hope wants her Mommy." She takes Hope from Killian and placed Hope on her chest Hope gurgled happily. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. Do you want to snuggle with me while I eat? We can do that." She kisses Hope on the head. "You just wanted your Mommy." Killian took a picture of his wife and daughter together. Emma ate her meal using one hand a fork while Hope snuggled on her happily. "Love, Hope loves you. She just wants her mommy."
"Yes, she is already taking up after me, my stubbornness."
"Aye, if she wants Mommy, mommy only."
Emma chuckled."Yes, that what it seems like it. Are you jealous?"
"Not at all, love. Hope is very happy with her Mommy knowing that you will always love and be there for her."
Emma began to cry. "Yes, you are right."
"Love it is okay." He wrapped his arms around his wife and she leans into him.
"I do not know if these emotions are my hormones or it just how I am feeling. I have Hope who I will be there for, someone to lean on whenever she needs me. I did not have that. I do not know how can anyone be so awful to babies and children."
"Love, you are a kind caring woman with a good heart. Hope knows that already. Right Hope? You know that you have the best mommy, little love." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. "See, love Hope is smiling knowing she has the best mommy in the entire world."
Emma smiles and holds Hope in her arms. "Hope, Mommy will always be here for you whenever you need me. I will raise you to be a strong caring woman." She kisses Hope on the head and cheeks, which makes Hope happily gurgled and moved around in her Mommy's arms."Yes, Mommy loves you so much, Hope." Hope smiles.
"Aye, little Hope are you showing your Mommy that you love her." Hope gurgles. "Aye, you are my little love." Hope fell asleep in Emma's arms. Killian placed the dock a tot in between him and Emma, so Hope can sleep in between her parents. "Love, Hope can sleep here."
"Let's try that." Emma quietly placed Hope in the dockatot. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is right here little duck." She lets Hope grabbed her finger and Hope calmed down. "I know that I am not going anywhere now."
"Aye, our little love it not letting you go."
"Yes, our little girl loves her Mommy. I do not mind spending time with our little girl." She kisses Hope's little hand. Emma laid beside her daughter and watched her sleep. "Killian, I love her so much."
"Aye, I love her so much too love. She wants her Mommy."
"Yes, she certainly does." He takes a picture of Emma with Hope on their bed. Killian got Emma's meal tray and went downstairs. Emma fell asleep right beside her daughter feeling happy and content. Killian gets a phone call from Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian. How are Emma and Hope doing ?"
"We brought Hope home this afternoon. Emma and the lass are sleeping now. Hope is sleeping in her dockatot on our bed with Emma next to her. Hope is a good little lass. I have never seen Emma this happy ever."
Allison smiled. "I know my little god niece loves my sister. I was wondering if tomorrow that I can come over to visit with Connor."
"Of course you both can come over. Emma would love to have her family over."
"Even if I bring Connor?"
"Allison, Hope, and Connor are cousins they will close. If they both cry, it is no problem at all. I know Hope and Connor will love each other for now, they will cry. They are family. Emma and Hope will be very happy to have you and Connor."
"We will come over. I do have a few things to give Hope and Emma."
"Aye, I will keep it a secret. I know that Connor will have Hope follow him around when they both can walk."
Allison laughed. "Yes, I can already imagine that, Hope following Connor around trying to catch up with him."
Killian chuckled. "Aye, I know that will happen a lot as they grow up with each other."
"What time should Connor and I come over?"
"You can both come in the morning, like 11:00 am."
"Great, we will see you then."
Emma woke up with Hope crying. She picks up her daughter. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She sniffs her daughter. "Hope, you need a change. Mommy will change you." She takes Hope to her room. Emma changes Hope diaper. "Hope, you are so cute." She gives Hope multiple kisses which made Hope happy. "Yes, you love kisses from your Mommy. You are Mommy's special little girl. Yes, you are!" She gives Hope more kisses all over her body. Hope smiled big as she enjoyed her time with her Mommy and she touched Her Mommy's face which made Emma smile. Killian saw Emma playing with their daughter and took so many photos of them playing together. He loves seeing his wife being an amazing Mommy to their little lass and happily enjoying her time as a new Mommy, taking advantage of her special time with their Hope. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, playtime is over for you sweetie." She picks her daughter and put her on her chest and kissed her on the head while Hope calmed down. "Yes, you are Mommy's little girl." She sees Killian and smiles. "Hi. Hope and I were just playing."
Killian smiled. "Aye, I saw. I know Hope had fun with you."
"Yes, Hope loves her time with her Mommy." Hope fell asleep on Emma. "Hope is changed and asleep. I do not think I can put a onesie on her now."
Love, she is comfortable with you."
"Yes, she is Killian. I think I am going to do some skin to skin with her." She places Hope in her crib which made Hope upset. She takes her tee-shirt off and takes Hope back and places her on her chest, which made Hope stopped crying. "Yes, you just want Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, I told you that Hope will love you."
"You were right captain."
"Aye, I was. Hope cannot be without you even if for a few minutes."
"Now, I wonder if she will be like this during the night." She talks to her daughter. "Hope, are you going to let you Mommy sleep? I need to sleep so I can play with you, sweetie." She takes Hope to their room and lies down with her daughter. Killian sat next to this family on their bed. "Killian...Hope is really with us."
"Aye, she really is love. Hope loves her Mommy."
"Yes, Hope loves me. I never thought I will be this happy ever. Not until I met you. Now we have Hope."
"Aye. We are a family love. Hope loves you so much." He kisses Emma on the head and rubs Hope's cheek making her smile in her sleep.
"I still cannot believe that I am a Mommy to our beautiful baby girl who loves me." Emma started crying. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife.
"You are a mommy to our little love. She loves you so much already. I know you will be great with her like you are now."
"Hope loves her Daddy too."
"Aye, I know our little love loves her Daddy. She just wants to spend time with her Mommy showing her love for you. She knows like me that we are your family."
"Yes, we are family." They both watched Hope sleeping on Emma's chest doing skin to skin.
"I love skin to skin, spending special time with our little girl." Emma got thinking about the night. "Killian, at night. What are we going to do? When does Hope need to be changed? Will we have to go back and forth between her and our bedrooms?"
"Love, I have the solution." He goes to their closet and pulls a rolling cart with diapers, burp towels, wipes, and a small garbage can. "Killian, you did this for me and Hope?"
"Aye, I know that we are going to up all night with our little love. I thought that will be easier for us so we do not have to go back and forth between her room and ours."
"Killian...." Emma began to cry. "You are amazing."
"Thank you, love." They kiss. "I will always be there for you and Hope." He goes to Hope's room to get extra onesies for the night and placed them in the cart. An hour later, Hope woke up crying."Hope, Mommy will feel you sweetie." Emma breastfed her daughter. "Killian, after I feed her. I think Hope need her first bath."
"Love, I will get her bath ready."
"Yes, just do not run the water yet I do not want it to be too cold for her."
"Aye, I won't love. I will just prepare her bath seat and bath soaps." Killian set up Hope's bath seat, her Johnson and Johnson shampoo and body wash and a little a rag to wash her. He returns to his family. "Emma, Allison called. She and Connor are coming over tomorrow."
"Great. We are going to have our first baby playdate. Hope, your auntie Allison, and cousin Connor are coming to visit. You will have your first playdate with Connor." She talks to Killian. "I still cannot believe that Allison is my sister."
"I know love. We are all surprised."
"Yes, but it is a good surprise. I have a sister and a relative on my side of the family. Hope has a cousin."
"Aye, our family has gotten bigger."
"Yes, which is a good thing."
"Yes. it is love." They kiss and watch Hope eat. "How much she is eating?"
"Like every two hours. My breast feels it when she needs to be fed because they are full of her milk which hurts. My milk is just for Hope, so she can grow big and strong." She rubs Hope on the head. "When is Hope's appointment?"
"Monday morning at 10:00 am. That is the closest day love."
"That is alright. Hope is a very healthy baby girl."
"Yes, she is love." Killian kisses Emma on the head and wrapped his arm around his two loves. After Hope was fed and burped. "Hope, it is your bath time little duck." Emma held Hope and placed a towel, a diaper, baby lotion and pajamas on her bed so she can change Hope quickly after her bath. "Killian, is Hope's bath ready?"
"Yes, it is love." Emma brought Hope in without a diaper and placed her in her bath seat.
"I hope she does not cry or else baths will be hard."
"Love, we will manage." They sit together and took turns giving Hope her bath.
Emma used a towel and soaked it and slowly rubbed it all over Hope's body. "Hope, you like the water?" Hope looked at the water and gurgles. "Yes, you like the water." Emma scrubbed her down and shampooed her head. Killian rinsed Hope making sure she was clean and had no soap leftover her body. "Little lass, you are being a good little babe in bath time." He tickles her tummy and she moves around in her seat. Emma took photos of Hope first bath time. "Hope, bath time is over sweetie." She takes Hope and wrapped her in a baby towel colored yellow like a duck and held her in her arms. "You are all clean baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and Killian took pictures of his wife and daughter. Killian drained the water and cleaned the bathroom. Emma placed Hope on her bed dried her off, put a clean diaper on her and lotion her off. "You are all clean sweetie." She playfully kissed Hope everywhere which made Hope smiled happily at her Mommy. "Yes, you love your play time with Mommy." Hope gurgled. Emma combed Hope's hair. "You are all ready for bed." Killian returned from their bathroom.
"Love, the bathroom is all cleaned."
"Killian, Hope is clean and she wants her Daddy." She hands over their daughter to her husband.
"Hi, little love. Did you have fun in your first bath time?" Hope gurgled. "Aye, I know you will like the water like me and Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. He sat on the bed with Hope and Emma leaned on Killian. "She loves the both of us."
"Yes, she does love. She is ours forever."
"Yes, I do like the sound of that. Our daughter. She is ours." They kiss. Emma fell asleep on her husband. Killian had Hope in his arms and his wife on him both sleeping, his family. He thought o himself while looking at his two loves. "This is my family. I love my beautiful caring wife and our baby daughter. Emma is amazing with Hope. I cannot wait to see what happens with our family as Hope gets older. For now, we are going to enjoy our precious time with our baby girl. As a family. He knows that they will have a strong connection with each other, raising Hope in an honest, happy home full of love and family. Emma will be happy and gets what she always dreamed of having a family and a home and being loved by him and their little Hope. He kisses Emma and Hope on the heads. "I love you both so much. Hope Daddy loves you, little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, Hope and I love you so much. We are a family, always will be." He kisses his wife on the head. He already knows that his family will be close as they can be and full of love and happiness in the years to come as a strong loving caring family.

Captain Swan Fly Awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें