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Hope is a month old she is cooing and ahhing a lot to her parents, and love being with her mommy and daddy. Emma loved being with her daughter all the time since Hope wanted to be with her mommy especially skin to skin. There are times when they have a lot of family cuddles together. Hope also loves her daddy. Killian loves his one on one time with his little love. He lets Emma sleep in in the mornings and he brings Hope with him to cook. While he cooks, he talks to Hope who sits in her bouncy chair and after he is finished he loves snuggling with Hope on the couch and talks to her a lot. All have to change a little when Killian has to go back to work.

The night before Killian returns to work, Emma let Hope be with Killian as much as he can since she knows he is going to miss her very much during the day. Emma watched from Hope's bedroom door, Killian walking around the room with Hope singing to her a lullaby and Hope was cooing, Emma smiled at her loving husband who loves their little girl so much. She takes a picture of her Killian and her little Hope together during their daddy-daughter time. He sits on the rocking chair with Hope, "Hope, tomorrow Daddy has to fly an airplane. Daddy will come straight home to you and Mommy because I will miss you so much, my two loves. So be a good little lass to Mommy tomorrow. I know you will have so much fun with Mommy." Hope cooed and smiled which made both of her parents smiles. "That is right little love you love your Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head and rocked her to sleep. He quietly placed Hope in her crib and turns around and sees Emma smiled. He takes Emma into his arms and lifts her up and into a deep kiss and brings her to their room and land in bed together.

"I am going to miss you tomorrow."

"Love, I am going to miss you so much tomorrow. Our work morning routine is not going to be the same. You and me driving to work together."

"It is not going to be the same for a while but we do have our cute baby girl."

Killian smiled. "Aye, love that is true. I cannot wait to come home to see you both tomorrow."

"Yes, Hope and I are going to be so happy to see you."

"Aye, I am going to kissing you both and cuddling with you both tomorrow."

"Hope and I are looking forward to that very much, especially me." They make out in bed and cuddled together until Hope needed them.

Killian woke up his usual time to get ready for work. Yes, Hope kept him up at night but he loves his little lass so much. He looked at his wife who had Hope sleeping on her doing skin to skin, one of the few ways to get Hope to sleep and easy to feed at night. Emma woke up hearing Killian her husband getting ready for work. "Killian."

"Love, go back to sleep."

"Not yet." She slowly sits up with Hope sleeping on her. "I am going to miss you."

"I am going to miss you so much, Emma. I will text you whenever I get a chance. Text me pictures of Hope."

Emma smiles. "I can definitely do that. Hope is going to miss her Daddy."

"Aye, I know both of my loves will miss me." They kiss. Before Killian left for work, Emma was still awake. "Love, have a good day with Hope."

"Hope and I are going to have girl time today."

"I can already imagine that." They kiss.

"Have a good day at work."

"Thank you, love. I will see you two later." They kiss. He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, have a good day little love with Mommy. Daddy has to fly an airplane and will be back home soon as possible." He kisses Hope on the head again.

"Killian, be careful."

"Yes, love. I know it is September 11. I will be careful. I will be home with you and Hope in the evening and I will text you during the layover." Killian hugs his two loves leaves. Emma falls back to sleep with her little girl sleeping on her for a few more hours. Hope woke her up to be fed. "Mommy is going to feed you little duck." Hope latches on quickly. "It is just you and me Hope. Daddy is driving an airplane. Auntie Allison is back working at the hospital. Don't worry we will see auntie Allison and Connor when your auntie is not working." She rubs Hope's head as she was eating, Emma loved her time with her baby girl even though she is still not getting much sleep. After Hope was fed and burped, she placed Hope in her dockatot so she can take a quick shower while Hope her morning nap. Emma loved taking a hot shower that helps her wake up and relax, she is still getting used to having leaks from Hope's milk supply. Emma changed into leggings and a lone tee-shirt and checks up on Hope who was still asleep. She brings the baby monitor down to keep an eye on Hope so can make herself oatmeal. While Emma finished her breakfast, she gets a feeling to check up on Hope. She sees Hope sleeping, but her lips and face were turning blue. "Hope!"Emma's heart dropped and she rushes to her daughter to do CPR on her. She continues CPR until Hope slowly turned pale, and breathing slowly and whining sound. She hugs her daughter gently and has tears running down on her face. "Good Hope. That is Mommy's good girl." She calls an ambulance. "911, what is your emergency?"

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