Chapter 29

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"Tess, come on. It doesn't take someone five minutes to put on a bikini." He said and knocked on the door.

"The back won't stay tied."

"Then come out here and I'll tied it."

I sighed and opened the door. He stood with a towel thrown over his shoulder and his swim trunks hung low on his waist. I turned around and lifted my hair and pulled it into a bun. He tied the suit and then kissed my shoulder.

"Let's go. I already backed the bag."

"Why do you want to go so bad?" I asked as I followed him out of the room and to the elevator.

"I like seeing you in your bikini, especially this black one." He said and slid his arm around my waist and pecked my lips. "We should look into getting you a white one."

"No." I said and he frowned at me. "One is enough."

Once on the beach it was already really warm. He walked along the beach until Thomas found a space with an empty umbrella. He sat the umbrella up and then crawled under it. I laughed at him as I spread out a blanket and sat in the sun.

"You wanted to come to the beach and you won't sit in the sun?" I said and raised my eyebrows.

"I'm going to burn like I did in Costa Rica. Can you put sunscreen on me?"

I sighed and took the bottle from him. Him sitting under an umbrella, I don't know how he would need sunscreen, but it'll shut him up. Once he was done he took the bottle and but some one me.

"I'm taking your sunglasses since I'm staying the the sun." I said and pulled them of his head.

His hair was now blond again as he reach for his glasses as I turned onto my back. He sighed and pulled his phone out of the bag. He put his music on and looked at his phone.

I rolled onto my side and pushed his glasses down over my eyes as I looked at him. I lead my head on my hand and stared at him.

"Go swim. You're bored."

"No." He said and placed his hand on my side and pushed me onto my back. "If I leave someone will come talk to you or try to touch you. I'm fine. I'm not bored."

"Tom. Go swim. I'll be fine. I'll move under the oversized umbrella."

"No. Someone will still talk to you."

I sighed and stood up as he looked up at me. I held my hand out and he just looked at me confused. I knelt down and grabbed his hand and pulled him out from under the umbrella. I pulled him towards the beach as he walked behind me.

"Tess what are you doing?"

"You're going to swim and I'm going to stand here so nobody talks to me." I said and stopped. "Go swim."

"Do you know how to swim?"

"Yes. But I can't physically or mentally get myself in the water. I can only think of my dad." I said and wrapped my arms around myself. "Just go swim."

"I won't be long."

He walked into the water and I sat down on the sand and closed my eyes. The tide came up and water washed over me.

I screamed and stood up and sprinted back to the umbrella. I grabbed my towel up in shaking hands as I wrapped it around myself.

"Tess! Tessa! You're fine. You're fine." Thomas said and wrapped his arms around me.

I was soaked and shaking in Thomas's arms as he stood rubbing my back. He kissed my forehead and pulled me under his umbrella, were his music was still playing.

"Tessa, were just going to lay her and enjoy the day. No swimming, given you left my sunglasses in the water."

I glared at him as he laughed and kissed my neck and then moved to my chest.

"I'm not having sex with you on the beach." I said and pushed him away. "Unless you want to go to the nudist beach. It's only like a half hour from here."

"Tess, were not going to a nudist beach. Nobody except me is seeing you naked."

"You're no fun." I said and laughed as he glared at me. "I've never been to one before."

"Today you won't either."

"So tomorrow?"

He just sighed and put his sunglasses on as he pinched my side and I giggled and slapped his hand away.

"You could have but the blue dress on." Thomas said as he handed me my drink and we walked away from the bar.

"Last time I wore that dress you got too excited in public." I said and laughed at him as he glared at me. "I thought you liked this dress."

I looked down at my mint dress and frowned. He said that he liked it before. His lips touched my cheek as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Tess you look sexy in anything you wear. I love this dress too. The blue one is just really sexy."

"It's navy actually."

He sighed and walked away from me as I giggled and sipped my drink. I followed him and grabbed his hand as we walked along the boardwalk.

We past outdoor restaurants that were pack. Thomas was hungry and looking for somewhere to eat.

"We should just eat back at the hotel." I said as we passed another restaurant that was crowded.

"No. I don't want hotel food."

We walked for about ten more minutes until Thomas found a place that wasn't very crowded. He grabbed my hand and lead me to a table until I crashed into his back because he stopped abruptly.

"Thomas!" I said and looked up at he as he dropped his bottle and glass flew everywhere.

His eyes were huge and his mouth huge open. He seemed surprised and terrified at the same time. He was staring at something and I turned my head to see a woman staring back at him. She somewhat like Thomas.

"Tess come on. We're going somewhere else."

He turned around and grabbing my wrist and started to pull me back to the boardwalk.

"Thomas!" A woman shouted behind us. "Thomas stop running away! Thomas Sangster!"

Thomas stopped and slid his hand into mine as he slowly turned around. The woman stood behind us, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Hi mum." Thomas said and looked at the ground.

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