Chapter 6

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"Tessa! Tessa wake up! It's almost four. You're going to be late for work!"

I opened my eyes to Dylan's blurry face. He sat on the bed next to me shaking my shoulder. I groaned and rolled away and stuck my head under the pillow. I prayed that I put my painkiller bottle away. I can't have Dylan be disappointed at me too.

"I'm not going to work today." I sat and closed my eyes.

"Did you quit?" He asked and took the pillow off my head and smacked me in the back with it.

"No. I'm just taking the day off. I never took one before. My boss will be fine with it." I said and reached to take my pillow back, but he just moved away.

He stood from the bed carrying the pillow as he went to look out the window. My window held a view of a bridge and the Manhattan skyline in the distance.

"Sure your boss will be fine with it. It'll just give him an excuse for feeling you up."

"Can I just have my pillow back." I whined and sat up to look at him.

Dizziness cloudy my head and I squeezed my eyes shut and fell backwards. My whole body was sluggish and my mind was taking for ever to register what Dylan was saying to me. I took too many pills and the effects haven't worn off yet.

"No! It's almost four and you haven't been out of bed all day. Get out of the apartment."

He pulled my covers back and I groaned again. I rolled onto my other pillow and closed my eyes, until Dylan pulled the pillow out from under me. I sat up again as he smiled down at me.

"Would you stop! I want to sleep." I said and reached for the pillow.

"No. Get out of the apartment."

"Then leave my room so I can get dressed."

"My pleasure." He said and left the room and took the pillows with him.

I slid out of bed and pulled black leggings on and a plain dark blue t-shirt. I pulled my boots on and ran my fingers through my hair. I left my room and walked to the kitchen where Dylan stood drink soda from the bottle.

"Hey. You finally got up."

"Why are you drinking from the bottle? You're supposed to share."

"Just get out of the apartment." He said and pointed at the door.

"Why do you want me to leave so bad?" I mumbled as I pulled my coat on.

"You need to get out. Why don't you call your friend, Hayley? Was that her name?"

"Yes. But she's in college and has classes during the day. Forgot my keys in my room."

I walked back to my room and grabbed my keys off the nightstand. I then grabbed my bottle of painkillers and shoved them in my pocket. I need to refill them today, so I can't sleep tonight.

"See you later, Dylan." I yelled as I closed the door behind me.

"Will that be all for today, Miss Jones?"  The Pharmacist asked as he handed me my bag of pills.

"Nope. That'll be all."

I put the bag into my coat pocket and left he pharmacy. I pulled my hood up as rain began to fall and I walked back to the apartment. I have nothing else to do and my body was still sluggish.

I entered my building and got in the elevator and walked onto my floor. I entered the apartment as Dylan came running into the hallway.

"Back so soon?" He asked and frowned at me.

"It started raining." I said and walked past him to my room.

"Are you going back to bed?"

"No. Just taking my shoes off."

I slipped my shoes off and put my pills in the drawer. I slipped the coat off and sat on my bed and closed my eyes. Surprisingly Thomas did not enter my mind.

"Tessa!" Dylan yelled. "Come here."

I sighed and left my room and walked into the kitchen were Dylan stood by the trash can. He pulled a pharmacy bag out and look at me.

"Does your wound still hurt?" He asked.

"No. That just the bag from January. I just never threw it out of my room. I kept forgetting." I said and took the bag from him and smashed it into a ball.

I walked to the trash can and dump in back in. I then grabbed the trash bag and began to pull it out. The trash needs to be taken out before Dylan looks closer at the bag and sees that date of me buying the back in March.

"I'll take the trash out."

"I can take it." Dylan said as I tied the bag.

"I got it."

I picked the bag up and left the kitchen and walked to the door. I walked down the hallway to the trash chute and opened the door. The bag got stuck so I had to push until it finally slid through. I closed the door with a clank and turned to go back to my room, when a flash of red caught my eye.

I stopped and turned my head to see the man standing in the hallway staring at me. This was just no man. I knew this man.

It was Luke.

"Tess." He said and took a step towards me.

I took off down that hallway as Luke followed behind me. I got to my apartment and went to close the door, but he stopped it.

His hands went to my waist and he pushed me up against the wall. His eyes were red and his clothing was wet from the rain.

I tried to break out of his arms, but he pressed me against the wall. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him. But it was no use.

"My Tess." He said and pressed his lips against mine.

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