Chapter 27

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"Don't call me Tessie! Don't even talk to me!" I shouted and pushed his hand away.

"Tess, I still," He began but was cut off by Thomas.

"She said don't talk to her. I suggest that you leave."

"Are you her boyfriend?"

"Yes he is. So leave me alone."

Luke furrowed his eyes and look at me confused. He looked back at Thomas then at me still confused. He probably thought Dylan was my boyfriend.

"Your boyfriend had dark hair." Luke said and then pointed at Thomas. "He's a blond, Tess. Come on, I apologized for what I did. Can't you give me a second chance?"

He sat down next to me and cupped my cheek. I moved away from him as he was pulled backwards out of the booth. Thomas stood over him as Luke laid on his back.

"Don't fucking touch her! She said leave her alone! Get out of my sight or I'll re-break your bloody nose!"

I stood up and stepped over Luke to grabbed Thomas's arms. He looked down at me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry. Can we go?" I asked as Luke groaned and got up off the floor.

"It's not your fault love. Let's finish our food then we'll leave."

He let go of my and laid me back to my seat. I was just about to sit when Luke, grabbed my arm and harshly turned me towards him.

"Tessa Nicole! I was with you for six years. I'm sorry for what I did. Please I still love you!" He said and I tired to push his arm off, but his hand just tightened.

"You're hurting me! Let go!"

He would let go. Just kept pleading for me to take him back and that he was sorry for leaving me. His hand let my arm as Thomas punched him. Luke fell to the floor with blood streaming from his nose. The waiter came by and asked what was going on.

"Can we get boxes for our food?"Thomas asked as he wiped his knuckles with a napkin.

"Teessssaaa!" Thomas said as his hands travelled up under his shirt that I was wearing. "Love, you need to get up. We need to go shopping. Tessa? Tess?"

He continued to shake my shoulders as I groaned into the pillow. I rolled onto my stomach and he laughed.

"I want to sleep. We can go shopping later."

The covers were yanked off my body and I groaned as Thomas laughed again. I sat up and glared at him as he placed his hands on my bare thighs.

"Come on Tess. Get dressed you can wear my shirt." He said as he got off the bed carrying the covers with him.

"Do you want to get any books before we leave?" Thomas asked as he stopped outside Barnes and Nobles.

"No." I said and yawned as he pulled me to a different store. "I don't need anything for here either."

"Come on. Let's just look around."

He walked into Victoria's Secret and he began to look through the lingerie and showing them to me. He showed me which ones he liked and handed me a black one.

"Can you try it on? Please Tess."

"I'm not going to buy it."

He frowned and pulled me towards a changing room. A worker let me in and I changed into the outfit. This one was black and lacey and was mostly just a bra and panties that were strapped.

"Tess open up. It's getting crowded out here."

I opened the door a crack to look at him. But he pushed himself in and closed the door behind him. He smiled as he look at me and his hands went to my waist.

"You look sexy!"

He began to kiss me as his hands pulled my underwear down. I grabbed his wrists as his lips went to my neck. I pushed him away and pulled my underwear back up as my cheeks became red.

"Tess!" He whined.

"I'm not having sex with you in a dressing room." I hissed and began to change back into my clothes.

"But Tess, we've never done it before. You may like it." He said and pulled me against himself.

"I don't care. I not having sex in a dressing room."

He frowned but let me go. I took the outfit off and handed it to him. He left after kissing my cheek and telling me he'd wait outside.

I changed and left the dressing room to find him looking a lacey bras. He pointed at them and I shook my head as he laughed.

"Why not? They'd look nice on you."

"There not my size."

"I'll look for your size."

I shook my head and pulled him from the store and back to the apartment. He put my bags in the bedroom as I sat on the couch and closed my eyes.

"It's not bedtime." Thomas said as he sat next to me.

"I know. But you didn't let me sleep last night because you wouldn't shut up."

He laughed and laid down next to me. He turned the tv on and put friends on. We watched friends for a few hours then I got up to take a shower.

"I'm taking a shower."

He got up and I turned around shaking my head and he began to plead.

"I'm showering alone."

I got my pajamas, which was just underwear and one of Thomas's shirts. I sat the clothing on the counter and turned the shower on. Once in the shower I began to wash my hair.

Once I was done I stepped out and began to dry my hair when I noticed that my clothes were gone and replaced with the black lingerie that I tried on at the store.

"You bastard!" I whispered as I pressed the towel to my chest.

I stared at the lingerie as I tried to come up with something. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me wear this again. I wanted to mess with him.

Hayley used to keep a change of clothes in here in case if a date went wrong. I went through the drawers and found a shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Thank you Hayley!" I whispered and slipped the closet on Then stuffed the lingerie under a pack of pads and saw a pack of pregnancy tests. I need to call Hayley.

I closed the drawer and left the bathroom and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Thomas was laying on the bed in his underwear. His eyes widened as I came into the room and his brows furrowed as I sat down on the bed.

"Tess, what... how." He stuttered and then left the room.

I giggled and got under the covers and laid down. He came back fuming and glared at me as he sat back down on the bed.

"Where did you but the lingerie?"

"I don't know what your talking about. I didn't buy any lingerie. Go to sleep."

"Tessa I brought some while you were changing. I but it in the bathroom while you were showering and took your pajamas and now your were some. How?"

"You're losing it Tom. Just go to sleep."

He pulled the covers off of me and glared down at me as he turned my onto my back. He used his body to press me into the bed and he frowned.

"Calling me Tom is not helping your situation of not having sex."

"Not my fault you get turned on by someone saying your name." I said and giggled at him. "Tom!"

He crashed his lips to mine as his hands went to my waist. My hands went to his hair as I repeated his name again.


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