Chapter 17

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I'm going to kill Arthur! I promise you Tessa." Thomas said and his fingers titled my chin back so he could look at the bruises on my neck.

I leaned away from him and looked down at my lap. My hair fell around my neck as Thomas began to swear under his breath.

I sat on the plane between Dylan and Thomas. Dylan sat by the window and was blocking the view as he tried to fall asleep. Thomas was mad about everything to Arthur and the kid kicking the back of his seat.

"Tessa are you going to use your pillow?" Dylan asked shaking my shoulder.

"No. Take it." I said and handed it to him.

He placed the pillow against the wall and closed his eyes. Thomas leaned forward to turn in his seat and look behind him. A squeaky kids voice yelling in Spanish filled the small space. Shushing started and Thomas turned around muttering profanities under is breath.

"What did the creature call me?" Thomas asked and placed his hand on my knee.

"I don't want to say." I said and giggled and glanced at his face.

His mouth was pressed into a thin line and his forehead wrinkled as he bounced forward. I giggled again and Dylan turned to look at Thomas laughing.

"Tessa, just tell him, so he'll shut up." Dylan said.

"He called you a shithead."

He swore again and then turned to me. "We should be in Costa Rica in about nine hours." He said and pushed hair behind my ear.

"Dylan! Dylan wake up." I said and shook his shoulders.

"What." He mumbled and looked down at me.

"You should call Britt and see if she can get off work and meet us down there. I need to have girl time with somebody I won't want to drowned in the ocean." I said and smiled at him. "Please?"

"Fine. I go call her."

Shushing started again and Dylan went to call her in the bathroom. Thomas stood to let him out and then sat back down next to me. He fixed the blanket on my lap.

"She'll meet us down there, most likely in the morning." Dylan said and slid back in his seat.

"Thank you Dyl- pickles." I said and kissed his cheek and giggled.

"I'm still mad Britt told you about that."

As Thomas sat back down I threw my cover on Dylan as he went back to sleep. Thomas covered me and himself with the last blanket and then he sat back in his chair as the kid stopped kicking it.

"Tessa I have some of your books in my bag. If you want to read I'll get them for you."

"Which ones?"

"The Maze Runner and the second book. We never did finish that one. I tried to read it, but I couldn't. I like when you read to me."

"Señor, apague la luz." The stewardess said and placed her hand on Thomas's shoulder.

I reached up and flipped the light off and Thomas and I were plunged into darkness. The lady walked away and Thomas moved closer to me.

"Do you need a pillow? I can call her back."

"No. I have nothing to lean it on."

"You can sleep on me or we can hold hands." He said and held his hand out. "I won't touch you the rest of the night. I promise."

I placed my hand in his and curled my fingers. His curled around mine and I stared down at our interlocked hands. His hands were so much bigger then mine and his fingers were long.

Apart ~Thomas Sangster Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя