Chapter 2

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I woke to sunlight and the pain building in my chest as the pills wore off. I sat up and brushed the hair off my face and looked down at myself. My pink dress, my uniform for work was wrinkled and bunched up around my waist. I slid off the bed and walked to my dresser and pulled clothes out.

I started the shower as my dress pooled around my feet and I kicked it away and began to rub my chest. The pain was horrible and the only thing that helped were those painkillers. I was only supposed to take one a day, but they had stopped working so I had to up the dosage.

Once my shower was over I pulled my sweatpants on and had to tighten the strings because the pants were lose. I put my bra on and looked at myself in the mirror.

Dylan was right, I was getting too skinny. My cheeks were hallow and my lips chapped. My skin was very pale, almost like Dylan's and my ribs were very prominent. You could count them perfectly. But I wasn't hungry and I didn't care enough to eat. I was just tired and I thought of taking more pills to sleep, since I didn't have to work today.

But Dylan needed me. He had gotten the flu, because his dumbass decided to walk around in just shorts and a t-shirt in thirty degree weather, expecting not to get sick. Now his ass is sleeping on my couch drooling on my pillows.

Once we got to New York I went back to my old apartment, where I lived with my best friend Hayley. She answered the door and began crying. She pulled me into a hug and accused Dylan of hurting me and I assured her that Dylan had nothing to do with London, that he was just a friend.

I had lied to my best friend for the first time in my life. I protected Thomas even though he hurt me and protected Dylan, because I didn't want to be alone.

Hayley was moving out to live with her boyfriend and she gave the apartment to Dylan and I. She had kept my things in my room, because she didn't give up hope that I would come back. She told me that since she was moving she was going to take my things with her until I came back. She really was a true friend.

But that still didn't matter to me, because all I wanted was Thomas and to be back in London.

I walked into the living room and Dylan was passed out snoring and he was even louder now that he was sick. I turned away and walked to the kitchen to see that it was all most three in the afternoon.

I pulled the bottle of whiskey off the counter and slid to the floor as the pain blasted throughout my chest. The burn of the whiskey blocked the pain as I drank it down. My vision began to blur and my limbs became weak.

But it wasn't enough.

The pain was now a dull ache, but I still could see Thomas. Only the pills truly gave me peace, because I didn't dream or if I did, I don't remember it. The alcohol was just a tool to ease the pain and to stop me from caring about Thomas.

I still don't understand why I had to leave or why he told me that he was bored of me. He still cares about me. That's why Dylan is here. Thomas calls Dylan and he asks how I'm doing. I've eavesdropped on Dylan and heard Thomas's voice over the phone. Thomas also sends us money for the apartment, but I don't use it to pay rent. I didn't want his help. I just wanted him.

A knock sounded at the door and Dylan woke up mumbling. The bottle of Jack slipped from my hands and thudded on the floor as I pulled myself up. I used the wall to get me to the door as Dylan walked out of the living room.

"Tessa are you drunk?" He asked and started coughing.

I shook my head and stumbled to the door and grabbed at the door knob. I blinked my eyes as I leaned against the wall. There was three door knobs and three of my hands. I shook my head to clear my vision as Dylan grabbed me.

"Tessa go sit down." He said and tried to pull me down the hall as the knocking sounded again. This time it was more of a pounding.

I jerked his hand off and found the knob and pulled the door opened. The person standing in front of me was blurry and I squinted and held onto the doorframe, because I was falling forward. Dylan's hands wrapped around my waist and my back hit his chest as I reached my arms out and grabbed the person's jacket.

"Tess." The man said and had a British accent and then my vision went black.

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