Chapter 26

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I uncurled my hand from Thomas's and walked to the door. He grabbed my waist and tried to pull me back in my room.

"Don't answer the door." He whispered.

"It's my friend, Hayley. We'll be fine." I untangled myself from him and walked to the door as his hands went to my butt. "Just why?"

"Your butt looks nice."

I pushed his hands off and opened the door. Hayley let herself in and glared at me as she saw Thomas. She yanked on my hair and began to yell again.

"Where the fuck did you go? You can't just leave and not fucking tell me. Where's Dylan? Who's this motherfucker?" She asked and jammed her finger at Thomas.

"Ow." I said and rubbed my head as Thomas glanced at me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm Thomas."

"Did you kidnap her in London. I'll beat your ass!"

"Hal. He didn't kidnap me. He's my boyfriend I just went to visit him."

"Boyfriend! You met a boy and didn't tell me! Bitch! I need to show him the video!" Come on Thomas!"

She grabbed Thomas's hand and pulled him to the living room as I followed. She pushed him into the couch and sat next to him pulling her camera from her bag.

"What video?" I asked as Thomas pulled me down next to him.

"The one from high school."

"You carry that around!" I asked and tried to take the camera from her. Thomas doesn't need to see that video.

"Yeah. It's a conversation starter."

"To who! You've been showing random people that video?"

"No. Just people from high school." She said and smiled at me. "Look Thomas."

"See you later Hals." I said and tried to push her out the door.

"But I have more videos and pictures to show Thomas."

"Thomas is good."

"I want to see more pictures." Thomas said and smiled at me. "Especially if she has her school uniform on."

"Bye! I'll call you later!"

I closed the door as Thomas laughed and walked back to the living room. He pulled me onto his lap and smiled at me.

"Do you really not have the skirt anymore?" He asked stuck his hands up under my shirt.

"No I don't."

He frowned and looked down as his hands slid to my thighs. He groaned and laid his hand against the back of the couch.

"Tess! Could you borrow your friend's. You looked sexy in the skirt."

"I'm not borrowing my friend's skirt just so you can do me in it."

"But Tess, your legs looked so sexy. If I went to school with you I would have did you in an empty class room or janitor's closet. How did your boyfriend not want to do that?

I shrugged my shoulders and wrapped my fingers in his hair. His hands slid up, under my shirt as I messed his hair up.

"Then something was wrong with him. Why did you ever date that loser?"

I wrinkled my nose at him and tried to move off him but he pulled me closer and I raised my eyebrows at him.

He moved us so my back was pressed into the couch cushions and he hovered over me. His hands went to my hair as he kissed my cheek.

"Did you go to a private school?"

"Sorta. It was a religious school. It was the same school my parents went to. They were high school sweethearts." I said as he kissed the tip of my nose. "My mom's mother didn't go to the wedding."


"While growing up my mother was rich. Not supper rich but well off. Her mother wanted her to marry rich but my mom want to marry for love. So she married my dad. My mom didn't care about having money she wanted to be happy. I never met my grandmother, her and my mom had a falling out after I was born."

"About what?" Thomas asked

"Being named Tessa." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "My grandma wanted me to be named Bertha, because that was her mother's name. Thank god my mother didn't like that name. You wouldn't have dated me then." I said and poked his cheek.

"Yes I would."

"No you wouldn't because it's a horrible name."

I laughed as he nodded his head and then began to kiss my neck. His hands travelled up under my shirt and I pushed him off.

"Not now. I'm hungry. Let's get pizza. Come on grab your jacket I know I excellent place." I said and sat up.

"Can we just order in?" He asked and pecked my cheek.

"No. Because the place is in Manhattan. Come on. You can get a beer there."

He groaned but got up off the couch and walked to my bedroom to get his coat. He came back with my coat and I pulled him out the door as he complained.

"See it's not the bad."

"It's not. I just can't stop thinking about you in that skirt."

I rolled my eyes as the waiter sat our pizza down and walked away. I grabbed a slice as Thomas continued to complain.

"Can you at least think about asking to borrow her skirt?"

"No. I'm not asking."

He groaned and frowned down at his pizza as someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up and glared at the man.

It was Luke.

"Tessie can we talk?"

Apart ~Thomas Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now