CHAPTER 6 - (Ignore Zone)

Start from the beginning

Then it'll still be okay.

She just hoped for the best.

"Wonyoung-ah?" Slowly she went beside Wonyoung and tap the girls knees. "Chaeyeon eonni called. She wanted us to go with them to Lotte. Do you want to go?" 

"_" As expected. A silent response from Wonyoung who was just there, beside her. Yujin still tried to pursuade the younger one.

"It's Yena eonni's request though. Since her and Yuri eonni got back together" At the mention of that, Wonyoung unconsiously averted her gaze to her. So quick that it surprised Yujin but she was celebrating inside since she finally got her attention.

"What do you mean Yena and Yuri eonni got back together?" 

"Both of them were in a relationship for two years now. Probably more than two years. They got some misunderstanding this last couple of weeks but everything was already resolved, so they got back together." Yujin happily explained. With her eyes glowing and her dimples showing while smiling, was an indication how much she admire their story and Wonyoung saw that. She didn't know how to react though. The information was just so sudden to her that all she can do was stare at Yujin with a very dumbfounded face. Yujin telling the story so fast wasn't helping too. 

"I know. I couldn't believed it either at first. My reaction when they first tell it last night was quiet the same as yours." Wonyoung nodded and sighed. Yujin left her gaze at her own hands. 

Wonyoung was thinking. It was so wrong of her to ignore her eonni for no reason. She was certainly mad about what happened last night though but, she thought that she was overdoing it. She shouldn't ignore her eonni and besides, Yujin already explained and justified everything. 

"Okay" She softly uttered. Head facing her fidgeting hands. Yujin who was also doing the same thing got what she said. Quickly bringing her attention to Wonyoung. Eyes grew wide and smile creeping at her face.

"Really? You'll come?" Wonyoung looked back at her and flashed her pretty smile while nodding. Yujin smile grew wider but quickly died down when she remembered Wonyoung could still be mad at her. 

"Are-are you still mad at me?" Wonyoung deeply eyed her, eyebrows meeting at the center and crossing both of her hands on her chest. Yujin's thoughts was just right. Wonyoung was certainly still mad at her. Yujin was so dissapointed at herself thinking she'll just be ignored at Lotte and her and Wonyoung won't be having any conversation and that Wonyoung won't talk to her and just totally ignore her! Oh how fun would that be for Yujin. Wonyoung never left her gaze on her unsettled eonni. Thankfully Yujin was facing the floor if not? She'll definitely see the growing laugh that will soon get out from Wonyoung's hold. Satisfied now to the tease that she's been giving to the older one, she bursted out laughing. So funny to witness her eonni's unsettleness and fighting with her own self. Yujin was dumbfounded, confused at why she just suddenly laughed but soon joined her. Of course Wonyoung was just teasing her. She knows Wonyoung can't stand ignoring her charms. Ey? So full, I see. 

"Yes, I'm not mad anymore" Finally, Yujin can breath properly again. She enveloped Wonyoung in a very tight hug which Wonyoung reciprocated happily.

"I'm sorry again for last night. I promise It'll never happen again. Ever" 


"Ever. I don't want my Wonyoungi to ignore me again. Do you know how hard it is to talk to a post?" 

*Smacked in the head* 

"Ya! Who are you calling a post? And "My Wonyoungi?"  " Yujin nervously laughed. 

"Did I said that?"  She swore she wasn't aware that she said that. Did she just indirectly confess her feelings to her? 

Aniya, aniya. Think Yujin. Think! 

"He he... Your legs were so long and you were so silent like, you were muted and not moving and so focused on the tv and didn't had any reaction even if the show was so funny that I started to think you were a post there on the other side of the couch." Yujin quickly said focusing on her reffering Wonyoung as a post. She knows she'll get herself a smack in the head or a yell but, it's better than admitting her feelings. She'll probably lose her if that happens. Hope Wonyoung would forget the other subject.

"Ya! Ahn Yujin" Wonyoung let go of the hug and pushed Yujin away from her. Thankfully the other question was ignored now but, another problem rose again. 

"Ey, C'mon. You know I was only kidding." Wonyoung continued to ignore her, crossing both her arms on her chest. 

"Wonyoungiiiiiiiii~ Jinjja yeppeo!" Now how can Wonyoung ignore her eonni's aegyo? And those puppy like pleading eyes, she just can't resist it. 

"Do I look like a post eonni?" She cutely said and pouted. Looking like she's about to cry in front of Yujin. Yujin smacked herself inside for teasing her but at the same time was preventing herself not to die and squeel at Wonyoung's cuteness! 

"Aniya~~~ I was only joking okay? You're not a post. You're... you're like-like a? Beautiful, stick?" 

"Ahh eonniiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~" Yujin received a hit on her chest. Laughing out on sulking Wonyoung. Now she got her revenge.

Suddenly Yujin's ringing phone stopped their good time. She happily picked it up and swiped it right away to answer. 

______ : [ "YA! AHN YUJIIIIIIIN!!!"  ] She swore that the sudden loud voice broke her eardrums. She looked at the caller ID and her eyes grew wide. She looked at the clock and realized they should be at Pubs, 10 MINUTES AGO!  Wonyoung was confused seeing how worried faced Yujin was but when Yujin looked at her and mouthed "Chaeyeon eonni. Lotte" she nodded in understanding flashing her smile while mouthing a "fighting" . Yujin nodded and nervously attached her phone back to her ears.


"Skin me alive?"  Yujin gaspped in horror. Wonyoung can only hope for the best for her. 

Yujin : [ "Eo-eonni?-"  ] She was about to say something when the loud voice of Chaeyeon that could break her eardrums cut her. 

Chaeyeon : [ "STOP TALKING AND START WALKING! I swear if you'll not gonna be here by 5 Yujin. BY 5! I'm gonna make you A LOT OF DIMPLES ON YOUR FACE. YOU UNDERSTAND!!!! ] Then Chaeyeon cut the line and Yujin finally let go of her breath that she's been holding. Chaeyeon really had a very loud voice when she becames annoyed, frustrated or angry. Even Wonyoung heard it and could only pray for the safety of her eonni. You really don't want to mess with Chaeyeon. 

After that call, they both looked at each other for a second or two before scramming their way to their shared bedroom. Went to the bathroom to clean theirselves, changed clothes, brushed their teeth and by 3 their done! 

Yujin was thankful that Pubs was just 2 blocks away from their pad. They didn't waste time and soon as they exited, they run their way to the meeting place. 



Here's an update for everyone!

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