Chapter Fifteen: Our Capture

Start from the beginning

"It's all good. I don't have any regrets. I think it's horrible that the werewolf laws restrict who your mates are. It's not right, and I'm passionate about what I believe in."

"Well, thank you. It was brave of you. We are in your debt, and once this all settles down, don't be afraid to come to me and ask of me anything. You may even live on pack lands if your heart desires." I tell her.

"That's a kind offer, thank you, and I will consider it one day."

After saying our final goodbyes, Anya and I were off once more, vanishing into the forest like vapors.

* * *

It was day four in the woods when in the true beginning of my journey began. It started off normal, or, as normal as it could be in circumstances like this one.

Unlike the fir tree forests I grew up in, this forest consisted of dark green oaks and vibrant birch trees. Leaves littered the ground and crunched beneath our feet.

It was our last day in the birch forest, and I knew that we had already stayed there too long. We should have left yesterday morning, but because Anya and I were exhausted from the rainstorm that's plagued the skies the last few days, we decided to try to catch up on sleep.

And that was our downfall.

Because as we were cleaning up camp, I caught the scent of wolf. Werewolf. It lingered in the air like some sort of a bad smell.

It was too late for the both of us to run.

"Anya, I want you to run. Cover your tracks like I taught you and I will stay here to fight them off and distract them."


"Anya, no. Run this instant. There's no time." My tone is stern with her, and her eyes flicker with a range of emotions.

Then she turns her back and darts into the forest like a doe.

And then they arrive. They arrive in their beast forms, there's about ten of them, maybe more scattered among the bushes that creep upon the earth.

I clench my fists in anger as one of the wolves shifts back into their human form. The man standing before me is the head council of the werewolves, he's in charge of all the laws and rules with an iron fist to make sure all the rules are followed.

"Donovan, at least we have you," He chuckles, "But, where's your dear scrag? Where's the abomination that wishes to rule by your side?"

I growl and my claws lengthen. I can feel my wolf pushing through.

"Did wolf boy let his mate escape? Well, worry not, she'll be in great company, because my wolves are already on her trail."

In lightening speed, I lunge forwards and tackle him to the ground. I slam his head against the ground several times. "You will not hurt my mate!" I roar. My eyes ache and I know they've turned completely black.

In an instant, I'm attacked. The other wolves pounce on me in order to protect their leader. Growls erupt in the air, drenching my ears in the ferocious sound. I, too, shift. I hit the ground hard and force my skin to turn to fur.

And then I attack.

Fur and flesh fly into the air.

It's eight against one, but I'm bigger and stronger than the rest of the wolves because Death's blood flows through my veins. The power awakens inside of me and my bite becomes venomous.

I sink my black teeth into the hind-quarters of a dark brown wolf. He yelps before falling to the ground. Seizures erupt his body and his yelps of pain develop into that of a man as he forcefully shifts back into human.

His dark brown hair sweeps across his forehead as he pants for air. He falls into unconsciousness shortly after.

If he isn't helped soon, he will never wake up.

That's the power of Death's venom.

Teeth sinks into my ribs and I yelp. I feel my flesh being torn from my body and I drive my claws into the attacker's belly. Warm blood coats my paw and the saliva of my attackers sprays into my face.

In an instant, I'm pinned down onto the ground, teeth in my face and claws swiping across my ribs. I use my powerful hind legs to throw him off of me, but only then does another wolf collide right into my body.

Wolves are throwing themselves at me and they're coming at me too fast. I'm only one, and though Death lives within me, the spirit has not fully matured, so my strength is limited.

A wolf shifts into man and my wolf goes into a killing spree. I lunge towards the man, intent on ripping his throat out. But his voice rings in my ears. "NOW!" He yells.

I notice it too late.

A large dart with an equally as large point buries itself into my shoulder. I yelp at the paralyzing pain.

And then another one flies into my side. It feels hot and warm and it burns my skin. My legs collapse from under me but I don't like the taste of the ground. I force myself up through the blinding pain. Only to get hit with a third dart. 

It lands in the thick, black fur of my neck. My wold spins and I fall to the ground with a thud. Dust erupts around me from impact and just when I think the pain can't get any worse, it does.

My body starts to force shift, and I can't stop it. I yelp in agony and my animalistic cries soon turn into human groans. Whatever was in those darts was not only immune to my dark powers, but it also threw my body into a state of peril.

Now, I'm a weak, paralyzed, and panting mess on the ground. The cold air meets my bare, sweaty skin and shivers run across my body. I can't move a muscle and my eyes are half closed. After shocks of pain ripple through my body and my bones ache from being forcefully broken in the shift.

Fight the exhaustion. Fight it. I tell myself.

Cold chains are wrapped tightly around my arms and and legs and I'm dragged, face down through the dirt for what feels like miles, only to find out it was mere agonizing minutes. 

My body hurts so much that I've bitten a hole through my bottom lip to stop the sounds of pain escaping my mouth. Blood dribbles down my chin and crimson saliva drips from my parted lips.

But what hurts the most is my mind. My mind screams for my mate and tears stream down my face when I feel a jolt of pain spike through my heart.

What are they doing to her?

Then my world goes black.

Not because I lost unconsciousness, but because a blindfold was wrapped tightly around my face, concealing my eyesight.

Tremors of intense, hot pain overtake my body and it isn't long before the blindfold is drenched with my tears.

Anya, where are you?

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