장 Forty-three [COOL HYUNG]

Start from the beginning

"To see Bang-pd nim. I didn't really catch what it was about, but they all went except me--- umh because we thought you were sleeping and nobody wanted to wake you up--- so they told me to stay here."Jungkook summarized, making Yoongii humm.

"Even Taehyung went... I thought that he was gonna stay home and rest..."

Yoongi didn't answer and just sipped from his mug.

"Suga Hyung--- aren't you worried for Taehyung hyung?" 

"Not really. I think he's gonna be fine. He went to the doctor, right?" Yoongi muttered, talking with pursed lips as he looked back at the laptop.

Jungkook sighed. "Well--- sure. I'll go sleep now hyung. You should too since tomorrow we're leaving to film that RUN BTS episode. Goodnight." the boy shortly said, before leabing the room for good.

Yoongi didn't even have time to answer, before he was alone in his room and everything was silent.

Until his phone ringed, as a text had just arrived.

He unlocked the screen and opened the text---

From Golden Gguk:

I don't know what happened between you two back then... but clearly Tae isn't okay still and probably is holding back from asking you for help, since he already knows that you'll say no. It's okay to feel scared hyung, but be coherent with yourself. If you care for him, help him out. Don't let yourself drift apart so easily... because in relationships both sides have to take a step farward. Be the cool hyung that I know you are and do what you have to do. 

Goodnight :)

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