Me, "You guys have me feeling down in the dumps now. Like have I done anything right with my life?"

Naya, "Come on Aaliyah we didn't mean it like that. If you were out in LA more then maybe you would be able to make some more moves and that could lead to anything"

Me, "Or you guys could actually come and visit me in Miami. I mean I have a condo that's paid for, why would I leave that"

Alicia, "Because you want to be independent and just stay with us and have fun. We are only going to be young for once and I don't want it to be wasted"

Me, "Give me some time to think about it. I would have to set some things up first"

Dallas, "So did you talk to Trey about the baby?"

Me, "I don't even know what's going on with that. I mean, he doesn't talk about it at all and his ex is convinced that he isn't the father. All I know is that he's going through some problems right now and he wants to know that I am on his side"

Alicia, "You can be his friend but you need to make it clear that there are thing that you are comfortable with and things that you aren't comfortable with. I don't think that you meeting his ex is a good thing. Have you met his kids?"

Me, "For some reason I think that's coming up. I don't know what to tell him becasue I'm not comfrotable with that. He's a cool dude but I'm not trying to be some step-mom to his kids and raise his family. I'm am to young for that"

Naya, "Maybe going to see Aubrey isn't such a bad thing. I mean at least you would be able to have a fun time and then forget about it"

Me, "Okay, but you guys have to come. I told him that I would bring some girls through"

Dallas, "No boo. I don't need that drama in my life. Why don't you call Michelle and Simone. Those two girs live for this type of fast life"

Me, "Oh God, those two are slower than I don't know what. How long do you think it will take for them to get ready?"

Naya, "You should call them now and tell them that we are heading out for like 11. If they aren't ready by then we can just leave them"

Me, "Okay. I'm going to go back to the hotel and get ready"

Alicia, "Let me come with you because you have two different ideas about what's going to look good and what actually looks good. I think that you would benefit from me coming over"

Me, "Alicia what the fuck? I know how to dress"

Naya, "Come on let's not fight. Why don't we just eat and then head out. I'm heading out to New York tomorrow for a shoot and I want to hang with my girls before I go"

Me, "Okay"

Back at the hotel room I had Alicia throwing my clothes all over the place and all I could hear was her sighing. It looked like I had come with nothing special or what she deemed as special to wear. While she was doing that I took a shower and started working on my hair. It was a bit below my shoulder and straight because I hadn't washed it since I flew out here. But I wanted to get my natural light, wave curl back and sprayed it with some water. Then I realized that I didn't have anything special to do with it so I just put it up in one.

Alicia, "Aaliyah what did you do with your hair? Why did you curl it?""

Me, "I didn't want to keep it straight. What should I do?"

Alicia, "Look I found these black leather skirt and this nice top that you can wear. It's sexy right?"

Me, "Okay, but what are I going to do wtih you hair? I mean it's going to look strange with the whole outfit"

Alicia, "Why don't you just wet all of it. I mean does it get any curlier?"

Me, "I can see but if it looks bad then I'm just going to straighten it again"

Alicia, "We don't have time for that. I still need to get ready and Naya called and told me that Simone and Michelle are already at her house. They've been throwing back drinks so hurry up before they all get too faded"

After washing my hiar out completely it was like a hed full of curls. I put some gel through it and it looked better but honestly I wasn't too confidnet in my hair. In the end I ended up brushing it up straight into a high ponytail. It aged me but what else could I do. Before leaving I sprayed some perfume and splashed on some glitter. That was my special trick for people. Once in the car we got some drinks flowing and that made me feel better about my hair. I hadn't texted Drake because I wasn't sure that he was still into me coming but a surprise visit never hurt anyone. I knew that he was probaly recording at his house so we drove up there and I jumped out right in front of the gates. I smiled for a second before the gates opened and I could hear music blasting from the house.

Naya, "So does he know that we are coming? Like it looks pretty packed in here already"

Simone, "Look that means nothing. We are here to party and have some fun. That can happen with anyone here tonight"

Michelle, 'Girl don't get to crazy. We have to be in Houston later this week and you need to be on your a game. I got a friend that can hook us up with some seats at a Rockets game"

Simone, "I can't go to Houston, I'm doing party promo at TAO and then I got promo at Palms Resorts. some type of beach party"

Alicia, "Look can we talk about that later. We need to get in and surface the area before anything crazy happens"

Me, "And can we all agree that we go home together. I don't want anyone getting into something that they can't handle"

Simone, "Agreed"

As I knocked on the door I could smell all the weed smoke and then some random Asian girl opened the door. She looked a little surprised to see us but had no other option but to let us enter the house. I was going to search for Drake and give him some serious attitude but then I saw his house. It was like some type of electronic festival had explodedd in his house. There were like a million pieces of confetti and streamers all over the place and all these glow in the dark sticks. I saw maybe like 50 people just in the living area but most people were out back. My girls looked way more excited than me and I just let them lead the way. As I was walking out to the pool I felt osmeone touch my back and nearly punched this person, but then the familair scent of cologne hit me.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side ChickWhere stories live. Discover now