Chapter 45 ~ The Queen

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     • The Stranger •

We entered the building again, but now it was crumbling and falling apart. There were destroyed bots lying all the other floor and knights were sitting on the rubble, wrapping their injuries or helping each other get up.

"We did it..." Marie whispered.

"For now." I grimly replied. We walked past the warriors and mounted the extra horses.

"We have to get this to the Queen, fast!" Sithra gestured to the vial of rain she stole from Frenhu's body.

"Follow me!" Marie clicked her reins are charged towards through the plains.


I looked up at the swaying banners marked with elven symbols. So, this was Luanth...

"Mommy, Mommy!" A child tugged at his mother's dress and pointed at me. "Who is that riding with the Princess?"

"I'm not sure..." She stared after us, a glimmer of fear in her eyes.

As we rode through, I noticed this kingdom described by Marie as bright and cheerful was now grey and empty. It was like everyone was hiding in their homes, afraid to go outside.

"Hurry." Marie slid down her horse and burst through the castle doors. I ran behind Sithra down the lavish scarlet carpet and through the hallways until we finally came to the queen's chambers.

Sithra handed the vial to Marie without a word and let her enter first. I peeked in the room and stepped inside. Members of the royal court, I assumed, were huddled around a bed. Someone baring a resemblance to the queen's pale face squeezed her hand with tears running down her face.

"Uncle Neb?" Marie froze and they all looked up. Something was wrong. "I have the rain... What's happened?"

"I am so sorry..." The man shut his eyes with pain. "But it's too late... She's gone."

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