Chapter 18 ~ Fear

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• The Princess •

Thank the stars she didn't get that mad at me, I realized in my mind. Sorcerers could never be trusted. Never.

That's what my mother always told me.

Now her life depended on one.


We trotted in silence on the trail. The sun began to set, turning the sky to a sweet mango color.

"Sunsets are beautiful." I looked up at the sky.

"People finds anything that's not long lasting beautiful." Sithra kept her eyes on the road. "If the common pig died at an early age, you would find that beautiful too."

"Excuse me for enjoying the sky." I huffed. "You should try it sometime and not be so stuck up."

"If being 'stuck up' means I am focusing on the mission at hand, then so be it." She went off the trail into the meadow beside, then dismounted her horse.

I followed her, annoyed by her sense of being wiser. "No wonder you've been refused service for that hole in the wall you call a shop."

She froze, facing away.

"And you thought it was because you were a woman Sorcerer." I sneered.

She spun around and threw her hands at me, blasting me with green wind so strong it knocked my feet out. I fell backwards into the grass, gritting my teeth.

"Let us not forget why I am here with you in the first place." She came to me and looked down in disgust. "Your precious mother's life depends on me."

"I don't need you!" I got up and remounted my own horse. "I'll get there myself thanks very much."

Her eyes grew wide. Was she scared of me? "No, Marie-!!"

"-Your services are no longer required." I raised my voice and took off back on the trail.

I had it wrong. She wasn't scared of me.

She was scared for me.

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