Chapter 15 ~ Threats

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     • The Sorceress •

I sat in front of the fountain, eyes closed, listening to the sound of the water. Ah, peace and quiet, I sighed silently. The perfect place to think-

My thoughts were interrupted by a presence. I could feel someone behind me.

"Please leave me." I spoke without opening my eyes.

"Sorceress Sithra." A female spoke with frustrating confidence.

"I said leave me." I rose my voice and opened my eyes. Turning around, I saw a girl in a beautiful red dress with a golden crown decorating her head of brown hair. This just be Princess Maria.

"I need to speak with you." She planted her feet. What does a girl have to do to get some privacy?! I growled in my head.

"What do you want?" I grumbled. I needn't show any respect to a sly blackmailer.

"You will not speak up to me." She commanded. "I am Princess Maria."

"I will do what I wish." I rose to my feet. "If I remember correctly, you are in need of my help."

She stiffened. "The Luanth royal family is not an enemy you would desire..."

"What can you do? Order guards against me?" I mocked. "I could wipe out a hundred with one wave if I wanted to."

"The queen has told me that you are here to break this curse, not killing off our men."

"In case you weren't looking, I was in the middle of doing just that." I gestured to my spot. "Now would you kindly explain why you have annoyed me, or have you merely come to threaten?"

"I have come to tell you..." She inhaled a breath. "That my mother is dying."

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