Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -2-

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“It is?”

“Not all vampires have powers,” James explains. “Traits brought in from their human life come into their vampire life.”

“You knew me as a human, didn’t you?” I ask.

He shrugs, “Only for a short time. I found you locked up and I saved you.”

“Locked up, where?” 

“By these horrible people, they wanted you for your power, but I was passing by and I caught your scent. I saw you being tortured and I saved you.”

“Oh,” I almost regret asking. 

“You are safe now,” He assures me. There is a knock on the door and I feel James tense up, “Stay here.”

My super hearing allows me to hear the conversation, but I do as James asked and do not move. 

“We want the girl,” An unfamiliar voice demands.


“The one you kidnapped from the asylum.”

“Asylum? I believe you are mistaken, my friends.”

“You know exactly what we are talking about,” Another voice hisses. “We sent our best girl in to find her and we intend to get her back. She is rightfully ours.”

“If she was your ‘best girl’ then surely I would have never gotten a hold of my girl.” I debate going in and helping James. He sounds angry, but he told me to stay. What could they be talking about?

“Chelsea never fails,” The first voice says. I have a flash of a face. A stunning pale woman with light brown hair and crimson eyes. Chelsea. “We want Sophia.”

I gasp. What is going on?

“You can’t claim her after I already have,” James defends.

“She is the lost princess that Chelsea claimed for us at the asylum, not your-” I drown out the voices. Lost princess, Chelsea, asylum... Memories flooded back in my head with a lot of pain. The lightning. My family dying in a train accident. The invaders. 

Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن