On Aphrodite

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They paint her in dainty pinks
And delicate gold, her feet
Kissed by airy sea foam
Soft, and fragile, and wrong.


They cry on her wedding day
For fair Aphrodite is
Pledged to a cast-away god
They mutter their sympathies


They don't understand that love
Can burn as hot as his forges
Bend like the bronze between
His strong hands, or fill your entire
Being like the clang of an anvil
Or the sweat-metal stench of Hard work


She is called Grave digger, the killer of men
She bears weapons and walks upon graves
This goddess who is an ally in war,
In striking pink and sturdy gold
She is anything but soft and fragile


When they speak of her, they forget
That love is rarely tame and quiet
Doe-eyed bashful glances
But bitter and angry and roaring
Inconvient and overwhelming
A goddess with a rose between her lips
And a knife tucked in her girdle


When they speak of her, they forget
That love is rarely the Eskimo kiss
Of sea foam lapping at your ankles.
But most often the storm churned
Waves that swallow you whole and
Threaten to pull you under


They paint her in washed out pastels
As they assume her infidelity, for to them
Love is fickle, changing with the winds.
Yet she smiles by her husband's side
This goddess with a wicked smirk
But dove soft eyes.


After all

Love is never more encompassing,
More vibrant, more fearsome

Than when it catches you off guard.



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