Birth Of The Mad Princess

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now tell me,
do you regret becoming his?

the day you decided to walk away
was the day you understood

making love to a god is making love to Death
you cannot survive without losing part of yourself
and you lost more than that

he already knew back then
that you gonna leave

loving a god isn't for girls like you

so when he was dragging you back to bed
and you bit him
he made sure you'd swallow his blood
he made sure you'd become that girl

he spilled all his memories and thoughts into your body
but you weren't ready
so your mind shattered
and you've gone feral with the voices

and images in your head

you'd wake up every night at 3 am
with the prophecies on your tongue

the future would tingle inside your body
you could feel it on your lips
in your mouth
on your eyelids, your fingertips
your skin
you felt it on each part of your body
he has ever touched

but no one believed you until it was too late
and you were dancing on their corpses

only then he finally smiled because he knew
what you have become
he knew he succeeded.


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