Unfinished Stories #1299

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a dead thing coming back to life
oh how it hurts

and maybe that's why seeing him after so long
sends shivers down your spine and a punch in your gut

even though you once knew his face better than you knew your own
and while you still know the exact melody of his beating heart
something about him has shifted

and that's why your heart seems to break and mend at once
because without him, it was a ruined thing itching inside your chest
because, don't you know, it once belonged to him

but this heart, this soul, they still are made of his echoes
and after all, the two of you are made from each other's ribs

because the Fates's didn't realize what they did
when they forced you to reckon with the absence of him

and perhaps that's the truth you feel humming in your bones
that this hurt is one he heals, that your heart was only ever his to steal



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