If Dionysus Was A Mortal, He Would Not be Any Less God-Like

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1. He's in skinny jeans on the train, and he's chain smoking in front of the sign that says not to. His hair's falling over his face, but you can still see his eyes. They look like trouble. They look like drowning. They look like a downward spiral.

2. He's leaning against a street lamp. It's 3 in the morning and you didn't think there'd be anyone else out. You try to stop your heels from clicking, but it's too late. He's heard you, and he's looking up. A smile curls, slow and lazy and confident like a tiger. The white of his teeth sparkles, and just like that, you want him. You let him take you in the alley. He walks you home and says, "It's not safe out this time of night."

3. He's in a suit, tie and all, and he invites you into his office. He offers you some of that wine he's always having. There's something different about him today. You think you see something purple flashing in his eyes. It's almost as if you can hear things snapping, but you're not sure what they are. All you know is he's angry, he's furious, and something instinctual makes you think, don't break me.

4. He's your father, and this is only the third time you've seen him. His gaze is like a vine holding you in place. You don't know why he comes, or if there's a pattern to his visits, but he does, and that's enough. You think so, at least.

5. He's a ray of sunshine. He cooks dinner and it's ready when you come home from work. He doesn't smoke, or drink, or sleep around anymore. And you're happy, before you wake up, and you realize he will only be a good man in a dream.

--Venetta Octavia


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