The Goddesses Part 6

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"Normally, Aphrodite, my husband or I would punish you for breaking your oath," the Queen stood, her back to Aphrodite, her voice hollow, empty, an echo of the authority she once held. "But, Zeus disappeared a long time ago," her tone changed as she mentioned her husband, full of bitterness.

"None of them can help us now, this is something we have to do," Aphrodite said.

"So I've heard," the Queen shrugged, turning to face the other goddess.

"This world isn't fair anymore."

"That, I believe."

"We need to fix it."

"We need to save the innocent, the ones who do not deserve this."

"Will you help me?"

"Darling, I'm always on your side," Hera said. Another warm smiled spread across her face. She hadn't smiled like that in a long time.


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