Modern Gods: Aphrodite

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     Modern Aphrodite isn't sitting behind a computer desk helping make matches online which is a process that holds no love. I feel like she walks the streets of Central and South America: Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, etc. She falls in love with the beaches, with brightly colored homes, and the sea salt air she was born of. She learns to dance: salsa, tango, rumba, and she loves the passion they create. She dances till dawn with beautiful men and women.
     Then, when the magic is over, she walks poverty ridden streets, rife with crime and drugs and pain. She looks around and remembers Troy. She wails for the loss and pain of the battle there, and the present battles here. Hera joins her, one of the few times that the jealous goddess can stand being near the goddess who represents love but not monogamy. The normal bickers and jabs about love lives and cheating spouses fade in the presence of this wrecked world where death hangs in the air.
     Aphrodite goes home and bangs on Ares' chest, hating him and blaming him for child soldiers and drug cartels. Ares screams at her that it's not his fault, that a child old enough to hold a gun is old enough to shoot one, and that in Sparta the world did not care about too young to be a casualty. They fall silent together, images of children in chains and cages, blown apart by bombs, and dying with guns in their hands echo in their minds.

--Whee Random Stuff

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