Dallas looked up at me "I'm sorry I left you" he sighed.


He looked up at me as if saying 'don't make me say it again' and then continued " I shouldn't have left ya, you weren't doin' well as it was and I shouldn't have left you with those ... people".

I shrugged, "Dallas what happened to me wasn't your fault ... I mean yeah I wish you would've stayed after, but we're here now".

"I know, but you were just ... you were raped and leaving you alone was not something I should've done".

"But look now, I'm better okay. I've got my actual family here, I'm okay. I'm finally okay"

"Does Soda know?" He wondered.

I shook my head "I love Soda to death, but I don't think I can tell him. Only you and Evie know" I responded and with that Ponyboy and Two-Bit walked into the room.

I let the three talk a bit but began listening once Dallas asked how Johnny was.

"I don't know much about this ... but he didn't look too good" Two-Bit responded.

Dallas looked down and licked his lips softly "hey you still got that knife?" He asked.

Two-Bit nodded and took out his stolen switch blade and handed it to Dally. I kinda zoned out, thinking about this rumble. All I remember was Dallas saying we had to get even for the Socs ... for Johnny.


I left the hospital with Ponyboy and Two-Bit. I wanted to be at the rumble even if I couldn't be in it.

While waiting for the bus I zoned out again. Johnny has knocked out cold before we left. He wasn't doing good at all. Dallas was gonna get out of that hospital and come down to the rumble tonight ... I just knew it.

After we got off the bus we walked to the Curtis's house in silence. Darry, Steve, and SodaPop were already home.

Someone had already cooked dinner, I assumed Darry. I walked over to Soda who was playing cards with Soda and kissed his cheek.

He looked up at me "You okay?"

I half-smiled and nodded. I didn't need him worried too.

Ponyboy, Who was in the bathroom called to Soda. "When did you start shaving?" He asked.

"When I was fifteen" Soda yelled back to him.

"What about Darry?" Pony yelled.

"When he was thirteen. Why? You figgerin' on growing a beard for the rumble?" Soda grinned.

I walked away from the two who had just started an arm wrestle and into my room. I looked around until I found the guitar that Dallas had given me. I picked it up and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I softly ran my fingers down the strings of the guitar. I forgot how much I loved to play.

Soda threw open my door excitedly, with a huge smile on his face he asked "were about to leave, you comin?"

I smiled softly and set the guitar down. I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him and him doing the same back. "Go ahead, I'll catch up soon. Be careful, okay".

He nodded "I will be" and kissed me softly before bouncing out the room.

After everyone has left, I walked out into the living room. I had a bad feeling about tonight.

Johnny was still in the hospital, in a really bad condition, a rumble was about to go down, and Dallas is in the hospital too.

I I had to get going to the rumble now if I wanted to make it ... or I could walk to the hospital and be with Johnny.

Midnight Cigarettes ; The Outsiders fanfic {UNEDITED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat