3.5 The Brightest Star

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"Okay class, I hope you already have plan inside that head about our collaboration project." The prof said as he arrange his papers and about to leave, but his track stopped when he sees her. "And miss Manoban you still owe me one task. Not because you are absent for a week you are free from my hell."

And she sigh while nodding her head not really impressed. "Good. And see you next week." He waves to the class and everyone immediately stretching their body after such a long lecture. They were leave with group or one by one, and she is still have task to be finished now. So she stay inside the class little longer.

"Hey." She felt nudge on her back make her to look backward to saw what she prayed to not meet anymore, at least not today.

"Hey." She softly said and then focusing on her paper again. She can feel him move toward her side and leaning his head on the table, intensely looking at her.

"Why dont you text me back? Why did you stay longer than what you've told me?" He ask while pouting and she is still busy with the paper. "Doll." He whines.

"Jeon, I am still busy."

"I'll help you with that later." He states and closing her book. "Now talk to me."

"About what?"

"You are not gonna tell me huh?"


"About the reason why did you left me on hanging and never text me back. Take holidays a week longer."

"It's not important." She cuts him off. "I am here now."

"Why don't you tell me about your sister." He said and it successfully taking her attention, her doe eyes got wider.

"Who told you?"

"Miyeon." He said and then engulfing her on his embrace.


"I have been planning to wait or sleep in front of your door in the condo when she scold me." He then caressing her hair gently. Totally ignoring few eyes which is still had their full attention of them. It wont disturb him, it won't stop him to express how he misses her.

"You are crazy." She beams and he nodded agree. "Silly." And he nodded again. "And-"

"And whipped." He said making the girl not responding because of her shy state. "Are you blushing, doll? Look at me." He teased while chuckled try to bring her face to face him but she refused it and hitting his chest. "Red like tomato."

"Fuck you."

"Urgh, believe me I want it to." He groans and make the girl want to puke.

"Jeooooooon." She complained but he only giggling and tightening his embrace.

"Don't hide it." He said after they were in good silence. "Let me know your feeling. I will try to make it better."

"I am okay, Jeon."

"No you aren't. I know the feeling."

"How do you know when you are not even losing someone like me." She commented shortly. Dryly.

"I just know."

"I hate you and your tendency to love yourself so much." She hits his chest again.

"Dont hate me. Hate will lead you to something called love."

"lol you are funny." She commented and then trying to freeing herself when she sees her classmate looking at them as if they are a movie. "Let me go. I hate you."

"If you keep hating me, you'll gonna love me." He teased again. "Tell me about her." He then said without warning make her flinch.

"Her who?".

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