11. Baecation Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"You could of simply said 'yes', Antonio", I drawled swishing my drink around once again.

"I could have but I did not think that it was much of anyone's business besides ours", he told me.

I shrugged because I could honestly care less about who knew of my sexuality. I like and love who I want and if you do not agree then okay. Just keep your negativity to yourself and let me live my life.

"Are you closeted or out?", I questioned further.

My eyes followed him as he slid around the booth closer to me.  It was not until his eyes had caught mine did he begin to speak once again.

"I am very much so out as you call it. I do not hide my sexuality or who I like. I have nothing to be shamed of, but I am not a very loud man unless I have to be", he retorted staring into my soul with those hazel panty droppers of his.

For a short while we became lost in one another's eyes before he cleared his throat breaking me from my trance.

"Are you here alone or with friends?", he asked.

I shrugged, "In Barcelona with friends, the beach, I came alone. You, Antonio?", I retorted picking at the bit of dirt that accumulated under my nail.

"I am actually a native but I live in America. I am actually visiting my family for the week before I return back to my life in America", he said.

I hummed taking his words in. His voice was such a nice smooth baritone. It was not particularly deep, not even as deep as my own, but it held a certain warmth to it. His accent, do not even get me started.

"That sounds nice. My brother and cousins are here with me while the rest of our immediate family is back in America as well. Your accent is very nice, soothing", I admitted.

"Thank you", he muttered running his fingers through his hair. "You are very cute, Tristian", he said compliments.

I smiled half-heartedly, "Thank you. So are you?", I responded.

He scooted even closer, our arms brushing on top of the table. A smirk adorned his handsome face.

"Cute? I was hoping that I was sexy, but that is fine. I will change your mind by the end of the night, sweetheart", he said coyly.

If I had ovaries they would be gone by now.

I licked my lips bringing my glass to my lips taking a sip from the glass before placing it down onto the table. I was about to give my response when my name was called aloud on the loud speaker.

'Tristian Vitro! Tristian you're up!'

"Excuse me, that's me", I excused myself sliding out of the booth, walking through the crowd without hearing his response.

I stepped onto the stage, the lights momentarily blinding me before my bison cleared enough for me to make out some faces. I had already chosen my song and had given them the music ahead of time. My song was an original that I had written a couple of weeks ago after my breakup.

Taking a deep breath I placed both of my hands over the mic stepping to it.

"Hello, my name is Tristian and I will be singing an original song for you guys tonight. I hope this isn't shit", I introduced myself earning chuckles from the bar patrons.

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